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1.    Agrawal G., Johnson P., Fishman E. Splenic artery aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms: clinical distinctions and CT appearance. AJR. 2007; 188: 992–999.

2.    Ronde Th. et al. Trombosis of splenic artery pseudoaneurysm complicating pancreatitis. Gut. 1993; 34: 1271–1273.

3.    Madoff D. et al. Splenic arterial interventions: anatomy, indications, technical considerations, and potential complications. Radiographics. 2005; 25: 191–211.

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5.    Guillon R. et al. Management og splenic artery aneurysms and false aneurysms with endovascular treatment in 12 patients. Cardiovasc. Interv. Radiol. 2003; 26. 256–260.

6.    Kreuger K., Zaehringer M., Lackner K. Percutaneous treatment of a splenic artery pseudoaneurysm be trombin injection. J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol. 2005; 16: 1023–1025. (АНГИОЛОГИЯ.ру) - портал о диагностике и лечении заболеваний сосудистой системы