"Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology" journal is the multidisciplinary scientific and diagnostic edition included in the list of editions recommended by High Attestation Committee for publication of the results of PhD theses.
The journal is published since the 2007. It was founded in the 2006 by the publishing house "Radiology-Press".
Full-color edition allows to fully convey all scientific information to the reader. This is combined with high quality illustrations and printing, which is particularly important for media containing large amounts of X-ray, angiographic, electron microscopic and histological illustrations. Publication frequency is 4 times a year, with a circulation of 1000 copies.
All articles in the journal are subject of mandatory peer review and discussion at the meetings of the editorial board. Starting in the 2009, the journal is included in the list of editions recommended by the High Attestation Committee for publication of the PhD degrees.
"Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology" journal is the only one in Russia and the CIS multidisciplinary scientific edition that brings together all areas of interventional radiology in all fields of clinical medicine: neurology, cardiology, surgery, oncology, urology, gynecology, etc.
Scientific concept of the journal is aimed to cover the latest research findings in all areas of radiology, on the latest advances in interventional techniques and on the results of national and international clinical trials.
The main objectives of the journal are to increase the scientific and practical qualifications of radiologists in each institution, regardless of its practical or scientific focus.
On the pages of the journal a reader can find active discussion about the postgraduate education of radiologists, articles of applicants and graduate students from all regions of Russia, original and review articles, results of multicenter studies, lectures by leading experts of our country and from abroad (in English), case reports, historical essays on the development of interventional radiology in our country, reports on the development of tools for interventional radiology, protocols of meetings of interventional radiology section of the Moscow Society of Medical Radiologists.
The website of the edition contains an archive of all issues of the journal since the 2007. Very important and useful addition is an interactive system for article search by author or keyword. Bilingual content of the journal and the publication of original papers from foreign colleagues in English are supplemented by the Russian versions that are available to subscribers. All full-text versions of journal articles since 2007 are also available to subscribers.
The journal policy is aimed at active cooperation with readers, authors and manufacturers.
Development of the "Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology" journal contributes to strengthening the role of radiology and interventional radiology in the Russian medical science.