"Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology"
Banner - simple stretching (only on the main page under the second horizontal menu. This is the second top menu located directly above the text part of the site).
The size of the banner-stretching is 574 × 103 pixels.
Banner - stretching through (on all pages).
The size of the banner-stretching - 574 × 103 pixels.
Simple side banner (only on the main page in the right column)
The size of simple side banner side is 182 × 164 pixels.
Side through banner (on all pages in the right column)
The size of the banner side is 182 × 164 pixels.
Site of the Customer shall not carry information with calls to violence, ethnic hatred, illegal actions and actions, bearing an immoral character, political motives and calls for the overthrow of the constitutional order.
In case detection of symptoms mentioned above on customer's site, Publisher can suspend the banner display until the end of the period of placement, without a refund, as well as to terminate the Agreement unilaterally.
In case detection of symptoms mentioned above on customer's site, Publisher can suspend the banner display until the end of the period of placement, without a refund, as well as to terminate the Agreement unilaterally.
The price of banners placement is an issue of negotiation with the management of Publisher.
In case of receipt of few orders for advertising banners-stretching and side banners the choice of location or time change of the image in seconds may be offered for both banner typeswith the increase in the initial price by 30%.