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“Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology” JOURNAL

Manuscripts submitted to the journal by any means are subjected to double-blind review.

The review procedure includes following steps:

1. Technical expertise of the publication for the compliance to main requirements, approved by the editorial board is provided by executive secretary of journal during no more than 3 days after submission.

2. External review is provided by the specialist with established expertise in suitable clinical field, no less that PhD, and with no conflict of interests or any type of relationships with author or editorial board.  External reviewer is chosen by editorial board. Review is voluntary, unpaid and confidential. Reviewers are informed that manuscripts are the intellectual property of their authors and are not the subjects of disclosure. Reviewers are not permitted to copy the manuscripts for their own purposes. Breaking the confidentiality is possible only in cases of unreliability or falsifications. Authors are able to acquaint the review text.  

3. Editorial board review. Is provided for the manuscripts accepted to the publication. Meeting of the editorial board are conducted not less than once in 3 month, not later than 1 before the journal publication. Editorial board approves the manuscripts that will be published at the current issue. Editorial board is able to decline the manuscript after the external review and to send it to additional review. The reviewer for additional review is chosen by the editorial board. Editorial board member could be chosen for additional review. Editorial board’s decision is entered in the protocol.  

The periods of review between the manuscript submission and editorial board decision are determined by the conditions to the maximal prompt publications. The maximal review period is 14 days.

The decision about publication of the manuscript that received positive external review is taken in the editorial board meeting.  

The approval of the issue by the editor-in-chief or its deputy is taken after the implementation of technical make-up before the submission to the press.

Procedure of authors informs about the review results:

- In case of positive review manuscript is put in the line for publication according to the priority level which is defined individually. Copy of review is given to author after the quarry by the e-mail Information about the approximate publication date after is available also by the quarry for this e-mail

- In case of negative review editorial board send a copy of the review and the refusal letter to the author

- In case if the review contain an instruction for the correction of the manuscript, the review is sent to the author for correction. In this case the date of primary submission is considered as a date of entry.

- In case of disagreement with reviewer’s opinion author can sent the argument answer to the editorial board. In this case manuscript could be sent to the additional review or to the editorial board

- Manuscripts with corrections are sent to the repeated review.

Manuscripts not accepted to the review:

- Not corresponding to the design requirements;

- In case if authors deny the technical correction.

- If authors do not correct the manuscript according to reasonable comments of reviewer and do not disprove it argument.

Authors of declined manuscripts can submit it repeatedly after the significant correction. These manuscripts will be reviewed on a universal basis. (АНГИОЛОГИЯ.ру) - портал о диагностике и лечении заболеваний сосудистой системы