Website is intended for physicians


Scientific and practical journal "Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology"

Founder of the magazine - Publishing LLC "RadiologiyaPress"

The official organ of the “National Congress of radiologists”

Editor in Chief – Leonid Kokov, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Science, professor, MD, PhD

Editorial board and editorial counsel include leading clinicians and scientists from Russia and CIS. The Journal contains specific information on the problems of interventional radiology in the various fields of medicine.

Edition - 1000 copies.

Volume - 120 pages

Periodicity - Four times a year

         Readership - physicians, researchers, instructors and students of medical schools, heads of health institutions at all levels and employees of companies - manufacturers of medical devices, equipment and consumables.


• Editorial subscription, subscription through post offices

• Largest libraries of Russia and CIS

• Regional health departments in Russia, medical institutions in Russia and CIS, institutions of postgraduate education, medical academies and universities.

• International and All-Russian medical symposia, scientific and practical conferences, "round tables", fairs and exhibitions.    

Medical advertising

          "Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology" Journal is the specialized edition which contain advertisement on medical topics. Promotional materials published in the Journal correspond to the laws of the Russian Federation "On Advertising", "On Medicines", "On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances." The Journal provides information support in the marketing of competitive products, projects, scientific research and high technology.

    We invite companies, scientific research institutes, healthcare institutions, public organizations representing the industry of modern medicine in relation to the subject of the Journal.


1. Raster TIFF images with a resolution of 300 dots per inch.

2. Vector images in EPS or AI (Adobe Illustrator). The text, which is part of the image, such as a logo, should be converted into curves.

3. Text materials should be prepared in MS Word. Trim size - 210 × 290 mm. Image Format - 220 × 300 mm (size of the complete image should exceed size of cut-off image on 5 mm on each side). All relevant parts of the image must be separated from cut edges inside not less than five mm. Raster images should be in CMYK color and have a resolution of 300 dots per inch. TIFF and EPS files could be accepted. The text must be converted to curves.

For publication of promotional materials, the advertiser should sign a contract with Publisher, LLC "Radiology-Press"

CEO – Shitikhina I.V.

phone / fax: 7(495) 789-81-63,

Address of the publisher:

BR. 310, Bldg. 1, house 20, Nagornaya str., Moskow, 117186 (АНГИОЛОГИЯ.ру) - портал о диагностике и лечении заболеваний сосудистой системы