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The aim of the study was to define the factors, having influence to results of repeated percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) such as isolated balloon angioplasty (BA) and BA in combination with rotational atherectomy (RA), used for treatment of stenosis inside stented segments of coronary arteries. 133 patients, submitted to repeated PCI due to development of stenosis in the stented coronary segments, were included in the study. Clinical and angiographic data were registered three times: at time of initial stenting, during repeated PCI and after 18 monthes of follow-up. Repeated PCI were done together with intracoronary ultrasonography. Decrease of neointimal volume and degree of balloon hyperinflation had not any influence on clinical end-points. Cross-luminal area of the vessel was the only significant prognostic facor for success of repeated PCI. Borderline value of the area was 4,7 Combined technique of PCI (BA + RA) had advantages over isolated BA only in those cases, when large cross-sectional lumen area must be achieved. Good clinical results of patients with cross-sectional lumen area >4,7, obtained after repeated PCI, give possoibility not to use additional interventions. If sufficient increase of the vessel lumen area can not be achieved, an active approach to therapy of such patients should be used after PCI.

The only significant beneficial prognostic factor for success of repeated PCA of the stenosed stented coronary segments was area of the vessels's lumen. It did not depend on technique of revascularisation. Such factors, as decrease of neointimal volume and degree of balloon hyperinflation, had not influence on frequency of restenosis and clinical end-points. 



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