Abstract: The authors report of 126 patients with organic hyperinsulinism operated on in 1998-2004 (84 males, 42 females, mean age 44,5-4,2 years). Insulinoma was found in 114 patients (90,5%), beta-cells hyperplasiaand microadenomatosis in 12 (9,5%), solitary tumor in 106, and multiple tumors in 8 cases. 46 of 125 insulinomas (36,8%) were localized in pancreatic head, 45 (36,0%) in the body, and 34 (27,2%) in the tail of pancreas. Angiography (highly selective contrast injections to celiac artery, its branches and upper mesenteric artery) with digital subtraction and magnification was performed in all cases. Selective intra-arterial injection of Calcium Gluconate (1,8-3,6 mg) with sampling of right hepatic vein immunoreactive insulin (30 sec, 1 min, 2 min and 3 min after stimulation) was done to 110 patients. Sensitivity of the angio-graphic method was as high as 79,9%. Intra-arterial Calcium stimulation test helped to regionalize 108 of 121 «sources of hyperinsulinism». 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