Abstract: Purpose. Оf the study was to prevent complications and improve the results of left-sided varicocele treatment. Material and methods. Severe complications of open surgery (Ivanisevich technique) and endovascular procedures (left internal testicular vein embolization with metal coils) were analyzed. Results. In all these cases we performed control angiographywas perfomed and the degree of anatomical and functional disturbances was assessed. Ways of complication prevention and countermeasures were offered. Conclusions. Visualization of testicular venous bed should be made before any surgical or endovascular intervention on left varicocele. A surgeon should be aware of all possible complications. If some complication occurs, urgent visualization of the vascular bed and tissues ought to be performed, angiography being the golden standard. Complications if diagnosed should be eliminated as soon as possible by specialists. References 1. Ivanissevich O., Gregorini H. Una neuva operation para curar el varicocele. S.Semana med. (Buenos Aires). 1918; 20:575-576. 2. Dubin L., Amelan R.D. Varicocelectomi as Therapy in Male infertility Stady of 504 cases. J. Urol. 1975; 133 (15):604-641. 3. Hommonai Z.T. et al. Tecticula function after herniotomy. Herniotomy and fertility. Andrologia. 1980; 11: 115-120. 4. Рыжков В.К., Карев А.В., Таразов П.Г. и др. Комбинированные методы внутрисосудистых вмешательств при лечении варикоцеле. Урология и нефрология. 1999; 3: 18-22. 5. Артюхин А.А. Фундаментальные основы сосудистой андрологии. М.: «Академия». 2008; 222. 6. Кадыров З.А. Лапароскопическая урологическая хирургия. Урология и нефрология. 1997; 1: 40-44. 7. Ким В.В., Казимиров В.Г. Анатомо-функциональное обоснование оперативного лечения варикоцеле. М.: ИД «Медпрактика-М». 2008; 112. 8. Bach D. et al. Spaterqebnise nach Sclerotherapie der Varicocele. Uroloqe. 1984; 23 (6): 338-341.