Abstract: We have retrospectively analyzed results of 12 patients underwent radiological interventions for scarring strictures correction of biliodigestive anastomoses after reconstructive surgery due to iatrogenic damage of extra hepatic biliary ducts. It was determined that ultrasonography is the main technique of biliary hypertension diagnostics. Antegrade cholangiography gives an ability to determine the level and type of extrahepatic biliary ducts strictures. Adequate biliary decompression was achieved by transcutaneous transhepatic drainage of biliary tree with insertion of cholangiostomical drainage near the biliodigestive anastomoses. Antegrade recanalization technique and dilatation of biliodigestive anastomosis strictures was used for dilatation of scarring stricture. Balloon plastic of anastomoses was ended with forming of external-internal draining for 9-12 months with step-by-step balloon dilatations every 3 months. Stenting of biliodigestive anastomosis' strictures was made in 4 cases Postoperative period without relapses after radiological interventions lasts from 2 till 7 years of observing. References 1. Хотиняну В.Ф., Фердохлеб А.Г., Хотиняну А.В. Хирургическое лечение больных со стриктурами внепеченочных желчных протоков. Анналы хирургической гепатологии. 2008; 13 (1): 61-65. 2. Гальперин Э.И. Что должен делать хирург при повреждении желчных протоков? 50 лекций по хирургии. М.: Медиа Медика. 2003; 198-206. 3. 3. Гальперин Э.И., Чевокин А.Ю. Факторы, определяющие выбор операции при «свежих» повреждениях магистральных желчных протоков. Анналы хирургической гепатологии. 2009; 14 (1): 49-56. 4. Руководство по хирургии желчных путей. Под ред. Э.И. Гальперина, П.С. Ветшева. М.: Издательский дом Видар-М. 2006; 568. 5. Murr M.M. et al. Of biliary reconstruction after laparoscopic bile duct injuries. Arch. Surg. 1999; 134 (6): 604-610. 6. Schmidt S.C. et al. Long-term results and risk factors influencing outcome of major bile duct injuries following cholecystectomy. Br. J.Surg. 2005; 92 (1): 76-82. 7. McPherson S.J. et al. Percutaneous transjejunal biliary intervention. 10-year experience with access via Roux-en-Y loops. Radiology. 1998; 206: 665-672. 8. Quintero G.A., Patino J.F. Surgical management of benign strictures of biliary tract. 9. World. J. Surg. 2001; 25: 1245-1250. Корымасов Е.А., Богданов В.Е., Романов В.Е. и др. Эффективность эндобилиарных вмешательств при стриктурах протоков и анастомозов. Анналы хирургической гепатологии. 2008; 13 (3): 123-124. 10. Хальзов А.В., Анищенко В.В., Штофин С.Г. Применение нитиноловых стентов для лечения посттравматических рубцовых стриктур внепеченочных желчных протоков. Анналы хирургической гепатологии. 2008; 13 (3): 144. 11. Bismuth N., Majno P.E. Вiliary strictures. Classification based on the principle of surgical treatment. World. J. Surg. 2001; 25 (10): 1241-1244.