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Methods of beam diagnostics play an important role in examination of patients with dental anomalies. Reliably establish dental anomaly is possible due to radiological examination. However, according to orthopantomography not always possible to identify the true cause of the anomaly, correct localization of abnormal tooth, preservation of periodontal ligament. All this leads to an incorrect treatment planning and the occurance of complications; in this regard all of our patients underwent addition cone-beam computed tomography Under our observation were 60 patients aged 15-30 years with a complex form anomaly of the position and the eruption of teeth. Half of patients had an anomaly of upper canines, remaining patients, the anomaly of upper premolars, canines and premolars in the mandible. The main cause of anomalies of teeth was due to lack of space in the dentition, less abnormalities were associated with the presence of obstacles in the way of the eruption, with congenital abnormalities of the maxillofacial region.

Possibilities of orthodontic and surgical interventions are limited and therefore it is very important accurate and reliable diagnosis of abnormalities. Cone-beam computed tomography allows to obtain all necessary information about the position of the tooth in the bone, its structure, shape, spatial relationship with roots of adjacent teeth and important anatomic structures, which makes it possible to properly plan for the further treatment strategy and reduce the risk of possible complications.



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