Abstract: Aim: was to estimate possibilities of the clinically developed method of diagnostic phlebography among patients with newly diagnosed and recurrent varicocele. Materials and methods: phlebography was performed on 44 patients with left-sided varicocele . 24 of them have newly diagnosed varicocele and other 20 patients have recurrent varicocele. The age of patients varies from 12 to 48 years. During phlebographic studies the clinically developed method of diagnostic phlebography was applied to all patients. This method is based on the application of obturating balloon catheter installed in left internal spermatic vein. Results: as a result of the study, structural features of left internal spermatic vein were revealed among patients with newly diagnosed and recurrent varicocele. Also, angioarchitecture variants of external spermatic vein and its hemodynamic features were defined. The pelvic venous basin angiographic characters of hemodynamic disorders were marked. Conclusions: the phlebotesticulography through left internal spermatic vein balloon obturation gives the opportunity to get full information about left testis' venous circulation architecture and hemodynamics. The obtained information allows to choose both traditional methods of surgical treatment and inter-venous anastomosis microsurgery. References 1. Artjuhin A.A. Fundamental'nye osnovy sosudistoj andrologii [Fundamental basics of vascular andrology]. M.: Akademija. 2008; 222 S [In Russ]. 2. Kondakov V.T., Pykov M.I. Varikocele[Varicocele]. M. 2000; 91S [In Russ]. 3. Strahov S.N. Varikoznoe rasshirenie ven grozdevidnogo spletenija i semennogo kanatika (varikocele) [Varicose veins of uviform plexus and spermatic cord (varicocele)] M. 200; 234S [In Russ]. 4. Kim V.V., Kazimirov V.G. Anatomo-funkcional'noe obosnovanie operativnogo lechenija varikocele[Anatomic-functional justifications of operative treatment of varicocele]. M: Medpraktika. 2008; 112S [In Russ]. 5. Kulikov Ju.S. O patogeneze varikocele [About pathogenesis of varicocele.]. Urologija i nefrologija. 1970; 6: 39-43[In Russ]. 6. Stepanov V.N., Kadyrov Z.A. Diagnostika i lechenie varikocele [Diagnostics and treatment of varicocele]. M: 2001; 3-206 [In Russ]. 7. Garbuzov R.V., Poljaev Ju.A., Petrushin A.V. Arteriovenoznye konflikty i varikocele u podrostkovn [Arteriovenous conflicts and varicocele in teen]. Diagnosticheskaja i intervencionnaja radiologija. 2010; 4 (3) 31-36 [In Russ]. 8. Coolsaet B.I. The varicocele sindrom: venography determining the optimal level surgical management J. Urol. 1980; 124: 833-834. 9. Bomalaski M.D., Mills J., Argueso L.R., et al. Iliac vien compression syndrome: an unusual case of varicocele. J. Vasc. Surg. 1993; 18(6): 1064-1068. 10. Osipov N.G., Obel'chak I.S. Sposob diagnosticheskoj flebografii pri varikocele. Patent na izobretenie №24890 12.08.2011 [Method of diagnostic phlebography in patients with varicocele. Patent on invention №24890 12.08.2011] [In Russ].