Abstract: Background: expansion of tourism business in countries of South and Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America led to the appearance of rare parasitic diseases in Russia, Europe, and the United Kingdom. In our country, more than 1.3 million patients with various parasitosis are officially registered annually, among which there is an increase in the incidence of intestinal protozoa. Aim: was to show features of the diagnosis of acute manifestations of necrotic amebic colitis, which simulated severe intoxication with manifestation of clinics of acute surgical disease and intestinal bleeding Material and methods: using the example of case report of a 70-year-old woman, the possibility of complex diagnostics using abdominal ultrasound, abdominal computed tomography, colonoscopy with biopsy of intestinal ulcers and parasitological research methods is shown. Results: detoxification, anti-inflammatory therapy in a surgical hospital and instrumental examination allowed us to objectively evaluate and conduct targeted therapy avoiding serious complications. Discussion: primary lesions with acutely occurring both local and general body reactions lead to severe intoxication, which does not allow to exclude acute surgical pathology, and in some cases dictate the need for urgent surgical intervention. Differential diagnosis of an amoeba with a colon cancer only on the basis of x-ray symptoms is almost impossible. Specific anti-ameba therapy leads to the disappearance of amoeba. Conclusion: only on the basis of a complex of clinical and epidemiological data, ultrasound, CT, colonoscopy, histological analysis and parasitological methods of research, pathology can be correctly identified. References 1. Bronshtejn A.M., Malyshev N.A., Luchshev V.I. Amebiasis: clinical features, diagnosis, treatment. Klinicheskaya mikrobiologiya i antimikrobnaya himioterapiya. 2001; 3(3): 215-222 [In Russ.]. 2. Gostishchev V.K., Khrupkin V.I., Afanas'ev A.N., Gorbacheva I.V. The complicated intestinal amebiasis in emergency surgery. Xirurgiya. 2009; (5): 4-9 [In Russ.]. 3. Lisicyn K.M., Revskoj A.K. Urgent abdominal surgery for infectious and parasitic diseases. M: Medicina, 1988: 237-271 [In Russ.]. 4. Petridou C, Al-Badri A, Dua A, et al. Learning points from a case of severe amoebic colitis. Infez Med. 2017; 25(3): 281-284. PMID: 28956549 5. Cook G.C. Parasitic infections of gastrointestinal tract: a worldwide clinical problem. Curr Opin Gastroenterol.1989; 2(Is1): 126-139. 6. Ozereczkovskaya N.N. Organ pathology in the acute stage of tissue helminthiases: the role of blood and tissue eosinophilia, immunoglobulinemia E, G4 and factors that induce an immune response. Medicinskaya parazitologiya iparazitarny'e bolezni. 2000; (3): 3-8 [In Russ.]. 7. Romanenko N.A. Modern tasks of sanitary parasitology. Medicinskaya parazitologiya i parazitarny'e bolezni. 2001; (4): 25-29 [In Russ.]. 8. Sergiev V.P, Filatov N.N. Infectious diseases at the turn of the century: an awareness of the biological threat. Moskva: Nauka, 2006; 572 s [In Russ.]. 9. Kry'lov M.V. The determinant of parasitic protozoa (human, domestic animals and agricultural plants). Sankt-Peterburg: ZIN, 1996; 602 s [In Russ.]. 10. Eryuxin I.A., Xrupkij V.I. (red.) Experience of medical support of troops in Afghanistan 1979-1989 V. 2: Organization and scope of surgical care for the wounded. Moskva, 2002: 379-386 [In Russ.]. 11. Scherbakov I.T., Leonteva N.I., Chebyshev N.V., i dr. Pathomorphology of colonic mucosa in patients with chronic post-parasitic colitis. Aktual'ny'e voprosy' infekcionnojpatologii. 2014; 95(6): 934- 938 [In Russ.]. 12. Ellyson J.K, Bezmalinovic Z., Parks S.N, Lewis F.R. Necrotizing amebic colitis: a frequently fatal complication. Am J Surg. 1986; 152(1): 21-26. PMID: 3728812. 13. Shirley DA, Moonah S. Fulminant amebic colitis after corticosteroid therapy: a systematic review. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016; 10(7): e0004879. 14. Guzeeva T.M. Status the incidence of parasitic diseases in the Russian Federation and tasks in terms of the reorganization of the service. Medicinskaya parazitologiya i parazitarny'e bolezni. 2008; (1): 3-11 [In Russ.]. 15. Weitzel T, Carbera J, Rosas R, et al. Enteric multiplex PCR panels: A new diagnostic tool for amoebic liver abscess? New Microbes New Infect. 2017; 18: 50-53. PMID: 28626584 DOI:10.1016/j.nmni.2017.05.002. 16. Abbas М.А., Mulligan D.C., Ramzan N.N., et al. Colonic perforation in unsuspected amebic colitis. Dig Dis Sci. 2000; 45(9): 1836-1841. PMID: 11052328. 17. Sinharay R., Atkin G.K., Mohamid W., Reay-Jones N. Caecal amoebic colitis mimicking a colorectal cance. J Surg Case Rep. 2011; (11): 1. PMID: 24972391 DOI:10.1093/jscr/2011.11.1. 18. Delabroussea E., Ferreirab F., Badeta N., et al. Coping with the problems of diagnosis of acute colitis. Diagn Intervent Imaging. 2013; 94(7-8): 793—804. PMID: 23751227 DOI:10.1016/j.diii.2013.03.012.