Abstract Aim: was to determine characteristic signs of instability and threatening rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysms, detected by computed tomography (CT) according to analysis of modern literature. Materials: international clinical recommendations and studies of 36 domestic and foreign authors on the diagnosis of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) using computed tomography (CT) were studied. We studied publications that describe the pathogenetic mechanisms of AAA rupture, structural changes in the aortic wall and surrounding tissues, which can be regarded as signs of the formation of aneurysm rupture. Conclusion: according to literature, specific CT signs of aortic wall instability and data on the high diagnostic value of some of them are presented. Methodological aspects of the analysis of CT data are described for large aneurysms and complex configurations. References 1. Pokrovskij A.V. (red.). Clinical Angiology: practical guide in in 2 vol. M.: Medicina. 2004. [In Russ] 2. 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