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Aim: was to study the efficacy and functionality of the Yukon Chrome PC stent in clinical practice.

Materials and methods: in 2021, a prospective, observational study of the safety, effectiveness of the Yukon Chrome PC stent, as well as its functionality during implantation in clinical practice, was launched on the basis of 25 domestic clinics. The study included 364 patients who underwent implantation of 495 Yukon Chrome PC stents. Mean age of patients was 62,8 years (from 33 to 89 years). Men were 263 (72,3%). The vast majority (82,4%) of patients were diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome (ACS): without ST segment elevation - 180 (49,45%) patients; with ST segment elevation - 120 (32,9%) patients. Unstable angina was verified in 22 (6%) patients. There were 42 (11,5%) patients with stable angina class 2-3.

Moderate tortuosity of vessels occurred in 27,7% of cases, while severe tortuosity of vessels occurred in 3,57% of cases. Moderate calcification was noted in 115 (31,5%) patients, severe/massive - in 23 (6,3%) cases. A complex lesion combining severe/moderate calcification and severe/moderate tortuosity of the target artery occurred in 79 (21,7%) patients.

Results: technical success of the procedure was achieved in 97,5% of cases. In one patient with severe calcification, the Yukon Chrome PC stent could not be inserted into the affected area. Attempts to implant another stent were also unsuccessful.

Depending on the number of implanted stents, the patients were distributed as follows: 3 stents were inplanted in 31 (8,5%) patients; 2 stents - 102 (28%) patients, 1 stent - 231 (63,5%) patients.

Bifurcation stenting using a two-stent technique was performed in 69 (19%) patients. Stenting of the left main was performed in 11 (3%) cases. Predilation was performed in 245 (67%) patients; postdilation - in 179 (49%) patients.

Conclusion: analysis of hospital results of implantation of Yukon Chrome PC stents indicates good flexibility and deliverability of stents even in patients with moderate and severe sheath calcification.

The overall assessment of the functional characteristics of the stent among endovascular surgeons who performed stenting is quite high. (АНГИОЛОГИЯ.ру) - портал о диагностике и лечении заболеваний сосудистой системы