Abstract: Importance: despite generally promising outcomes after stenting for unprotected left main coronary artery (ULMCA) disease, the ULMCA bifurcation lesions remain challenging, and their restenosis rate is still relatively high. Objective: aim of the current study was to analyze possible factors influencing one year MACE rate in distal ULMCA patients. Design, setting and patients: from year 2002 until end of year 2011 at Latvian Centre of Cardiology Pauls Stradins Clinical University hospital in ULMCA registry 1052 patients were enrolled. Interventions: In 723 patients distal bifurcations were treated, out of them in 449 patients one year follow-up were completed and those patients were included in current analyses Main outcome measures: cardiac death, target vessel revascularization (TVR), target lesion revascularization (TLR), major cardiac adverse events (MACE) were assessed at one year. Results: two stent technique was used in 8,5% of cases. MACE, cardiac death, TVR and TLR rates at one year was 15,6%, 2,9%, 4,7% and 12,9%, respectively Cardiac death was associated with diabetes mellitus and NSTEMI, however, TLR was associated with SYNTAX score >30. MACE was associated with NSTEMI and 2 stent technique. True bifurcation was not associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Conclusions: Use of two stent technique and NSTEMI at presentation were associated of MACE at one year in distal ULMCA patients. References 1. Tan W.A., Tamai H., Park S.J. et al. Long-term clinical outcomes after unprotected left main trunk percutaneous revascularization in 279 patients. Circulation. 2001; 104(14):1609-14. 2. Wijns W., Kolh P, Danchin N. et al. Guidelines on myocardial revascularization: The Task Force on Myocardial Revascularization of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS). Eur. Heart J. 2010;31 (20):2501-55. 3. Chieffo A., Stankovic G., Bonizzoni E. et al. 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