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Article describes cases of detection of viral pneumonia in patients who underwent additional examination before planned hospitalization for surgical treatment in the presence of negative test results for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Aim: was to detect early computed tomography (CT) signs of COVID-19 during admission to hospital, in case of presence of normal clinical and laboratory data and negative results of PCR test.

Material and methods: image analysis of CT examinations of chest organs in patients admitted for surgical treatment for various osteoarticular pathologies, for the period of 3 months, was carried out in radiology department.

Results: during CT examination of chest organs, in 9,1% patients, signs of viral pneumonia were revealed, including those caused by SARS-CoV-2, in condition of negative results of PCR tests, immunoserological tests for the presence of immunoglobulins M and G to SARS-CoV-2.

Conclusion: computed tomography of lungs can be considered the «gold standard» of diagnostics, which makes it possible to detect early subclinical inflammatory changes in lungs, in particular, in pneumonia associated with COVID-19, which is the main task during a pandemic. (АНГИОЛОГИЯ.ру) - портал о диагностике и лечении заболеваний сосудистой системы