Abstract: Purpose. To assess the effectiveness of palliative endovascular interventions in patients with CTO anatomy infavorable for recanalisation. Material and methods. The authors analyzed the results of interventions in 60 patients (50 male (83,3%), 10 female (16,7%)) aged 38 – 75 years (mean age 53,9±3,2), with occlusive coronary disease. Palliative revascularizations were performed in 30 patients, and CTO recanalization was done in 30 cases. The LV function was assessed echocardiographically in both groups before and after the intervention. Results. 12 month follow-up showed significant improvement or normalization of LV function in both groups. Results of palliative interventions were shown to be as effective as recanalization of CTO. Conclusions. Endovascular palliation is effective in treatment of patients with coronary CTO. It results in myocardial function improvement comparable to that in patients with complete coronary revascularization. References 1. Danchin N., Angioi M., Rodriguez R. Angioplasty in chronic coronary occlusion. Arch. Mal. Coeur Vaiss. 1999, 99 (11): 1657–1660. 2. Meier B. Chronic total coronary acclusion angioplasty. Cathet Cardiovasc. Diagn, 2006; 25: 1–11. 3. Ганюков В.И., Осиев А.Г. Частные вопросы коронарной ангиопластики. Новосибирск. 2002; 4–23. 4. Лопотовский П.Ю., Яницкая М.В. Клинический эффект эндоваскулярной реперфузии миокарда в бассейне длительно окклюзированной коронарной артерии. Между народный журнал интервенционной кардиоангиологии. 2006; 10: 22–26. 5. Султан М.В. Реваскуляризация миокарда при остром коронарном синдроме. Авто-реф. дис. канд. мед. наук. М. 2006: 15–20. 6. Иоселиани Д.Г., Громов Д.Г., Сухоруков О.Е., Хоткевич Е.Ю., Семитко С.П., Исаева И.В., Верне Ж.-Ш., Арабаджян И.С., Овесян З.Р., Алигишева З.А. Хирургическая и эндоваскулярная реваскуляризация миокарда у больных с многососудистым поражением венечного русла: сравнительный анализ ближайших и среднеотдаленных результатов. Международный журнал интервенционной кардиоангиологии. 2008; 15: 22–31. 7. Араблинский А.В. Степень реваскуляризации миокарда с помощью транслюминальной баллонной ангиопластики у больных с многососудистым поражением коронарного русла. Международный медицинский журнал. 2000; 1: 2–6. 8. Ott R.A., Tobis J.M., Mills T.C., Allen B.J., Dwyer M.L. ECMO assisted angioplasty for cardiomyopathy patients with unstable angina. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of California. Irvine Medical Center. 2006. 9. Gaudino M., Santarelli P., Bruno P., Piancone F.L., Possati G. Palliative coronary artery surgery in patients with severe noncardiac diseases. Department of Cardiac Surgery, Catholic University. Rome. Italy. 2006. 10. Гринхальх Т. Основы доказательной медицины. Учебное пособие. М. 2004; 58. 11. Петросян Ю.С., Иоселиани Д.Г. О суммарной оценке состояния коронарного русла у больных ишемической болезнью сердца. Кардиология. 1976; 12 (16): 41–46. 12. Петросян Ю.С., Шахов Б.Е. Коронарное русло у больных с постинфарктной аневризмой левого желудочка сердца. Горький. 1983; 17–37.
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Abstract: Aim. Was to investigate features of interposition of coronary bifurcations with different localizations in the aspect of their endovascular corrections, on the base of angiographycal imaging Materials and methods. For research 238 patients were selected (193 men, 36 women) with 255 bifurcations - all the patients before stenting were underwent coronar arteries angiography (KAG). Registration and imaging processing were made on Axiom Artis dFC («Siemens») and CS-60 («Omega»). Omnipaque 350 mgl/ml («Nycomed/GE Healthcare») was used as contrast agent on KAG Results. Dimensional structure of coronary bifurcations is very variable. Main branch (MB) rarely has rectilinear course. Most spread bifurcation angle was between proximal and distal MB segments, less spread - between distal segment of MB and lateral brunch (LB). References 1. Dzavik V. et al. Predictors of long-term outcome after crush stenting of coronary bifurcation lesions. Importance of the bifurcation angle. Am. Heart. J. 2006; 152: 762-759. 2. Chen S.-L. et al. Effect of coronary bifurcation angle on clinical outcomes in Chinese patients treated with crush stenting. А subgroup analysis from DKCRUSH-1 bifurcation study. Chin. Med. J.2009; 122 (4): 396-402. 3. Lefevre T. et al. Stenting of bifurcation lesions: classification, treatments, and results. Cath. Cardiovasc. Interv. 2000; 49 (3): 274-283. 4. Johnston P.R., Kilpatrick D. The effect of branch angle on human coronary artery blood flow. MODSIM97 conference. 8-11 December, 1997. Proceeding of the International congress on Modelling and Simulation. University of Tasmania: Hobart. 1997; 1029-1034. 5. Ramcharitar S. et al. A novel dedicated quantitative coronary analysis methodology for bifurcation lesion. Eurointervention. 2008; 3 (5): 553-557.