Abstract: Aim: was to improve results of treatment of patients with myocardial infarction who underwent emergency coronary stenting, by prevention of bleeding complications from puncture place. Materials and methods: we present retrospective analysis of clinical case of interventional treatment of myocardial infarction, with late post-puncture bleeding complication (41 day after PCI). Its consequences caused the thrombosis of the external iliac vein with further pulmonary embolism, and acute reocclusion of previously stented coronary artery Results: developed complications were surgically treated (recurrent coronary stenting, elimination of defect of the femoral artery, implantation of cava filter with its subsequent removal), and thrombolytic therapy Patient was discharged to outpatient care without any indications of cardiopulmonary insufficiency and compensated arterial and venous circulation of operated lower limb. After 11 months, the patient’s condition was without negative dynamics with a satisfactory quality of life. Conclusion: this clinical example demonstrates how difficult is to detect bleeding from a puncture wound. In cases of femoral access, the routine use of vascular closure devices can reduce the risk of bleeding complications. References 1. Rekomendacii po lecheniju ostrogo koronarnogo sindroma bez stojkogo pod#joma segmenta ST Evropejskogo obshhestva kardiologov [European cardiological society recommendation: treatment of acute coronary syndrome without stable ST-segment elevation]. Racional'naja farmakoterapija v kardiologii. 2012; 2: 2-64[In Russ]. 2. Sulimov V.A. Antitromboticheskaja terapija pri chreskozhnyh koronarnyh vmeshatel'stvah [Antithrombotic therapy during percutaneous coronary interventions]. Racional'naja farmakoterapija v kardiologii. 2008; 3: 91-100 [In Russ]. 3. Goloshhapov-Aksjonov R.S., Sitanov A.S. Luchevoj arterial'nyj dostup - prioritetnyj dostup dlja vypolnenii chreskozhnoj koronarnoj angioplasti
Abstract: Intraoperative vascular injury is infrequent complication (0.02-0.06%) during surgical operations on lumbar discs. We report a case of a 44-year-old man with oedema and varicose veins of the right lower limb. Despite an 4-year history of oedema and varicose veins, he appeared to be asymptomatic and could recollect no traumatic injury or surgery that might have caused it. Near the vertebral column, we found a small scar, the result of spinal disk surgery six years before. CT scan showed pseudoaneurysm of the right iliac artery with a 54 mm diameter. Thereafter, we located the suspected arteriovenous fistula by selective angiography of the aorta and its branches: a communication of the right iliac artery with the right iliac vein had resulted in a large shunt. This lesion was repaired by transluminal placement of stent-grafts Aorfix (Lombard Medical, UK). We had to use three stent-grafts due to the large difference in diameter between the common and external right iliac arteries. Hemodynamic improvement was immediate, and the postoperative course was uneventful. At the present time, almost six months postoperatively, the patient is asymptomatic. Sealing of pseudoaneurysm and arteriovenous fistula as a complication of lumbar-disc surgery with a stent graft is simple and is suggested as an excellent alternative to open surgery for iatrogenic vessel injuries. References 1. Canaud L., Hireche K., Joyeux F., et al. Endovascular repair of aorto-iliac artery injuries after lumbar-spine surgery. Eur. J. Vasc, Endovasc. Surg. 2011; 42 (2): 167-171. 2. Papadoulas S., Konstantinou D., Kourea H.P., et al. Vascular injury complicating lumbar disc surgery. A systematic review. Eur. J. Vasc. Endovasc. Surg. 2002; 24 (3): 189-195. 3. Mulaudzi T., Sikhosana M. Arterio-venous fistula following a lumbar disc surgery. Indian J. Orthop. 2011; 45 (6): 563-564. 4. Machado-Atias I., Fornes O., Gonzalez-Bello R., Machado-Hernandez I. Iliac arteriovenous fistula due to spinal disk surgery. Causes severe hemodynamic repercussion with pulmonary hypertension. Tex. Heart Inst. J. 1993; 20 (1): 60-64. 5. Jarstfer B., Rich N. The challenge of arteriovenous fistula formation following disk surgery: A collective review. J. Trauma. 1976; 16: 726-733. 6. Енькина Т.Н. Состояние сердечно-сосудистой системы у больных с хронической почечной недостаточностью на программном гемодиализе. Автореф. дис. ... канд. мед. Наук СПб. 1999. [En'kina T.N. Sostojanie serdechno-sosudistoj sistemy u bol'nyh s hronicheskoj pochechnoj nedostatochnost'ju na programmnom gemodialize [Condition of cardiovascular system in patients with chronic renal insufficiency on dialysis]. Avtoref. dis. ... kand. med. nauk SPb. 1999]. [In Russ]. 7. Brewster D., Cambria R., Moncure A., et al. Aortocaval and iliac arteriovenous fistulas: Recognition and treatment. J. Vasc. Surg. 1991; 13 (2): 253-264. 8. Akpinar B., Peynircioglu B., Cil B., et al. Iliac vascular complication after spinal surgery: Immediate endovascular repair following CT angiographic diagnosis. Diagn. Inters. Radiol. 2009; 15 (4): 303-305. 9. Hans S., Shepard A., Reddy P., et al. Iatrogenic arterial injuries of spine and orthopedic operations. J. Vasc. Surg. 2011; 53 (2): 407-413. 10. Zajko A., Little A., Steed D., Curtiss E. Endovascular stent-graft repair of common iliac artery-to-inferior vena cava fistula. J. Vasc, Inters. Radiol. - 1995; 6 (5): 803-806