Abstract: The article presents an analysis of the choice of strategy for the treatment of ischemic stroke in the acute period, based on literature review. Aim: was to develop the concept of effective thromboextraction (TE), based on the evaluation of factors influencing results of reperfusion treatment of ischemic stroke (IS), methods of endovascular restoration of cerebral blood flow Materials and methods: meta-analysis of 44 sources of domestic and foreign literature is performed. The analysis of factors limiting the effectiveness of various reperfusion approaches and the analysis of modern methods of thrombectomy are performed. Results: it is established, that SMAT (Solumbra) and PROTECT techniques have an advantage in comparison with aspiration approaches to thrombectomy in reducing the period to full reperfusion; methods with temporary occlusion of the source vessel (BGC) SAVE and PROTECT significantly reduce the risk of stroke spread to new vascular areas of the brain and increase the frequency of successful recanalization. Conclusion: at present time, the PROTECT is the most effective technique in the frequency of successful recanalization, the degree and speed of achieved reperfusion, as well as in the prevention of distal embolization. Extrapolation of experience and principles from other sections of interventional radiology, development of new methods and strategies of brain reperfusion, depending on the morphology of thromboembolism, its size, localization and extent may contribute to improving results of endovascular treatment of ischemic stroke. References 1. 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