Abstract: In this paper the use of spiral computed tomography (SCT) in dental implantation is discussed. It is shown that scanning itself and, what is even more important, post-processing of the images should be planned individually for each patient. SCT is declared to be a substantial part of the diagnostic strategy in patients with upper and lower dental arches defects, and with complete adentia. It is also crucial in assessment of long-term results of sinus lift procedure, and for detection of immediate and remote dental implant complications.
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Abstract: Purpose. To perform complex and informative radiologic assessment of temporomandibular joints (TMJ) Material and methods. Patients were divided into 2 groups: 1850 children and adolescents with malocclusions (Group 1), and 2150 adults with edentulous spaces or dental prostheses of different types (Group 2). Panoramic zonograhy spiral and conus computed tomography (CT), orthopantomography were performed in all the cases Results. There were no osteal lesions of TMJ in Group 1. Intra-joint lesions of different types normalized on opening of mouth in the majority of cases, and only 22% of patients in Group 1 presented improper articular heads position. In Group 2 TMJ arthrosis was diagnosed in 29% of patients, and 25% presented uni- and bilateral restriction or uni- and bilateral subluxation. Conclusions. The data indicates high incidence of muscles dysfunctions and TMJ lesions of muscular origin that demand orthopedic correction. References 1. Петросов Ю.А. Дифференциальная диагностика заболеваний височно-нижнечелюстных суставов. Стоматология. 1977; 6:37-39. 2. Пузин Л.М., Вязьмин А.Я. Болевая дисфункция височно-нижнечелюстных суставов. Медгиз. 2002; 160. 3. Рабухина Н.А., Аржанцев А.П., Семкин В.А. Зонография в диагностике дисфункций височно-нижнечелюстных суставов. Екатеринбург. Вопросы организации и экономики в стоматологии. 1997. 4. Семкин В.А., Рабухина Н.А., Кравченко Д.В. Диагностика дисфункций височно-нижнечелюстных суста-вов, обусловленных патологией окклюзии, и лечение таких больных. Стоматология. 2007; 1: 44-49. 5. Tyndaee D., Renner Y., Philipps C. Positional changin of the pandibular condyle assessed wih three dimen-sional. Y. of Oral. Maxillofac. Sug. 1992; 50 (11): 1164-1172.