Abstract: Introduction: the importance of intravascular diagnostic methods and the frequency of their use in clinical practice is steadily increasing. However, in the Russian Federation, studies on the analysis of possibilities of intravascular imaging or physiology are sporadic, and statistical data are presented only in very generalized form. This makes it relevant to create a specialized register dedicated to these diagnostic methods. Aim: was to present the structure, tasks and possibilities of the Russian registry for the use of intravascular imaging and physiology based on results of the first year of its operation. Material and methods: In total, in 2021, forms were filled out for 2632 studies in 1356 patients. Studies included all types of intravascular imaging and physiology - intravascular ultrasound, optical coherence tomography, measurement of fractional flow reserve and non-hyperemic indices. The registry's web-based data platform includes 14 sections and 184 parameters to describe all possible scenarios for applying these methodologies. Data entry is possible both from a stationary computer and from mobile devices, and takes no more than one minute per study. Received material is converted into Excel format for further statistical processing. Results: 13 departments participated in the register, while the share of the eight most active ones accounted for 97,5% of all entered forms. On average, 1.9 studies per patient were performed, with fluctuations between clinics from 1,6 to 2,9. Studies of the fractional flow reserve accounted for 40% of total data array, intravascular ultrasound - 37%, optical coherence tomography - 23%. Of all studies, 80% were performed on coronary arteries for chronic coronary artery disease, 18% - for acute coronary syndrome, 2% were studies for non-coronary pathology. In 41% of cases, studies were performed at the diagnostic stage, without subsequent surgery. In 89,6% of cases, this was due to the detection of hemodynamically insignificant lesions, mainly by means of physiological assessment. In 72% of cases, the use of intravascular imaging or physiology methods directly influenced the tactics or treatment strategy - from deciding whether to perform surgery or not to choose the optimal size of instruments or additional manipulations to optimize the outcome of the intervention. In the clinics participating in the register, the equipment of all major manufacturers represented on the Russian market was used. Conclusions: the design of the online registry database is convenient for data entry. Participation in the registry of most departments that actively and systematically use methods of intravascular imaging and physiology ensured the representativeness of obtained data for analysis in interests of both practical medicine and industry, as well as for scientific research in the field of intravascular imaging and physiology. The register has great potential for both quantitative and qualitative improvement.
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