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Background: article describes possibilities of computed tomography (CT) in diagnosis of wide specter of acute surgical diseases.

Materials and methods: basing on CT data of 645 patients (period jan.2015-feb.2016, S.P Botkin Clinical Hospital) an analysis was made: analyzed frequency of different nosologies in practice of doctors in CT department of emergency hospital, discussed results of method.

Results: most frequent diseases: acute intestinal obstruction - 238 cases (37%), acute pancreatitis and pancreonecrosis - 168 cases (26%), urolithiasis - 84 cases (13%), traumatic injuries of abdominal organs - 51 cases (8%), other diseases - 104 cases (16%).

Conclusion: taking into consideration non-specific clinical features of acute abdomen that doesn't need urgent operation, CT appeared to be an indespensable diagnostic method in planing of treatment in group of such patients. Complex approach in diagnosis can decrease a level of unreasonable operations and increase level of medical care quality.



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