Abstract: Purpose. Was to determine the possibilities of transrectal ultrasound research (TUR) in grayscale-mode with the use of ultrasound angiography in diagnostics of rectitis and in monitoring its treatment in patients with prostate cancet (PC) after radiation therapy. Materials and methods. The research consists of 62 patients with verified localized prostatic cancer (T13N01M0), which have already obtained conformed radiation therapy (RT) as a radical strategy. To estimate expressive radiation reaction patients were underwent transrectal ultrasound research before, during and after (in 3, 6, 12 months) radiation therapy. During the experiment, using grayscale-mode, the thickness of rectum front wall, its structure and echogenicity, and prostata capsula propria (lat.) tracking were estimated in dynamics. Vascularization of rectum front wall and pararectal cellulose was also analyzed in dynamics. Results of transrectal ultrasound were compared with clinical symptoms during the whole period of supervision, and were registered on the basis of patient’s personal note during and after treatment. Results. Based on patients complaints we have noticed development of radiation rectitis (radiation therapy after-effect) which can be registered as higher thickness of rectum front wall, changes in its structure, decreasement of echogenicity and increased vascularization. The major part of patients with these changes noticed that such symptoms were therapeutically eliminated during supervision. Such echo-graphic changes won’t appear in case of prostate cancer progression and it can be used as a differential diagnostics between radiation therapy after-effect and prostate cancer growth. Conclusion. Transrectal ultrasound allows to visualize early radiation rectitis implications in patients with prostatic cancer during radiation theraphy, and can promote the necessary treatment correction and advanced symptomatic therapy. References 1. Орлова Л.П., Зарезаев О.А. Ультразвуковой метод исследования в оценке эффективности лечения больных геморроем. SonoAceInternational (Рус. верс.). 2006; 14: 3–34. 2. Гранов А.М., Матякин Г.Г., Зубарев А.В. и др. Возможности современных методов лучевой диагностики и лечения рака предстательной железы. Кремл. мед. клин. вест. 2004; 16: 9–12. 3. Давыдов М.И., Аксель Е.М. Статистика злокачественных новообразований в России и в странах СНГ в 2007 г. Вестник РОНЦ им. Н.Н. Блохина РАМН. 2009; 20 (3 – прил. 1): 8–138. 4. Канделаки С.М., Гаджиев Г.И., Богомазов Ю.К. и др. Возможности эндоректальной эхографии с контрастным усилением в диагностике свищевой формы парапроктитов. SonoAceInternational (Рус. верс.). 2004; 12: 20–26. 5. Pescatori M., Regadas F.S.P., Regadas S.M.M. Imaging atlas of the pelvic floor and anorectal diseases. Springer – Verlag Italy. 2008; 4–16, 27–34, 51–61, 73–81, 91–105. 6. Трапезникова М.Ф., Голдобенко Г.В. Рак предстательной железы. Под ред. Н.Е. Кушлинского, Ю.Н. Соловьева, М.Ф. Трапезниковой. М.: Изд-во РАМН. 2002; 322–328. 7. Yablon C.M. et al. Complications of prostate cancer treatment. Spectrum of imaging findings. Radiographics. 2004; 24: 181–194. 8. Hulsmans F.-J.H. et al. Colorectal adenomas. Inflammatory changes that simulate malignancy after laser coagulation evaluation with transrectal US. Rad. 1993; 187: 367–371. 9. Гранов А.М., Винокуров В.Л. Лучевая терапия в онкогинекологии и онкоурологии. С.-Пб.: ООО «Издательство ФОЛИАНТ». 2002; 178–208. 10. Hricak H. et al. State of the art. Imaging prostate cancer. А multidisciplinary perspective. Rad. 2007; 243 (1): 28–53. 11. Moore E.M., Magrino T.J., Johnstone P.A.S. Rectal bleeding after radiation therapy for prostate cancer – endoscopic evaluation. Rad. 2000; 217: 215–218.