Abstract: A case report of right ventricular outlet (RVO) stenting as palliative treatment of pulmonary artery atresia (PAA) in combination with interventricular septum defect (ISD), in situation when radical surgical intervention has high operative risk due to condition severity and low weight RVO stenting in newborn and children with low weight is made seldom and noted as a case reports. Peculiarity of this case is that intervention was made in patient with extremely low weight and age (age - 6 month, weight - 3 kg) after performed early central aorto-venous bypass and further palliative reconstruction of right ventricular outflow. References 1. Chang A.C., Hanley F.L., Lock J.E., et. al. Management and outcome of low birth weight neonates with congenital heart disease. J. Pediatr. 1994; 124: 461-6. 2. Reddy V.M., Elhinney D.B., Sagrado T., et.al. Results of 102 cases of complete repair of congenital heart defects in patients weighing 700 to 2500 grams. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 1999; 117: 324-31. 3. Wernovsky G., RubensteinS.D., Spray T.L. Cardiac surgery in the low-birth weight neonate: new approaches. Clin. Perinatol. 2001; 28:249-4. 4. Laudito А., Varsha M., Bandisode J., Lucas F. et al. Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Stent as a Bridge to Surgery in a Premature Infant with Tetralogy of Fallot. Ann. Thorac. Surg. 2006; 81:744-746. 5. Kirklin J. V., Barrat-Boyes. Cardiac surgery J V. New York: Churhill Livingstoun 2003. 6. Sahu Raj., Syamasundar Rao., Transcatheter Stent Therapy in Children: An Update. Pediat. Therapeut. 2012, S5. 7. Meadows J., Catheter-Based Interventions for Congenital Heart Disease Meadows Jeff. J. Clin. Exp. Cardiolog. 2012, S: 8. 8. Gibbs J.L., Uzun O., BlackburnM.E., et. al. Right ventricular outflow stent implantation: an alternative to palliative surgical relief of infundibular pulmonary stenosis. Heart. 1997; 77:176-9. 9. Sugiyama H., Williams W., Benson L.N. Implantation of endovascular stents for the obstructive right ventricular outflow tract Heart. 2005; 91:10581063.doi:10.1136/ hrt.2004.034819. 10. Alwi M., Alwi M., Choo K.K., Latiff H.A., et. al. Initial results and medium-term follow-up of stent implantation in patent ductus arteriosus in ductdependent pulmonary circulation. J. Am. Coll. Cardiology 2004; 44(2):438-45. 11. Gladman G., Mc Crindle B.W., Williams W.G., et. al. The modified blalock-taussig shunt: clinical impact and morbidity in Fallot’s tetralogy in the currentera. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. 1997; 114:25-30.
Abstract: The article presents a literature review of the use of optical coherence tomography in interventional cardiology. The method of optical coherence tomography is described in details, as well as its comparison with other methods of intravascular imaging. Direct results of the use of optical coherence tomography in clinical practice in the performance of percutaneous coronary intervention have been analyzed. Article describes possibilities of assessment of long-term results after interventional procedures using optical coherence tomography in patients with coronary heart disease. Article notes possibilities of using optical coherence tomography to assess the effectiveness of treatment of patients with atherosclerotic coronary pathology using biodegradable stents. References: 1. Hiram G. Bezerra., Marco A. Costa., Guagliuni G. et al. Intracoronary Optical Coherence Tomography: A Comprehencive Review: Clinical and Research Applications. J.Am.Col. Cardiol. 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