Abstract: Aim: was to estimate results of endovascular treatment of subclavian arteries lesions. Materials and methods: study analyzes results of endovascular treatment of patients with occlusive-stenotic lesions of subclavian arteries. For the period 2014-2018, 87 endovascular interventions were performed on subclavian arteries. Indication for surgery was occlusion of subclavian artery or stenosis of more than 70% with the development of steal-syndrome. Before surgery, all patients underwent duplex scanning of brachiocephalic vessels and CT angiography of branches of the aortic arch with cerebral phase. There was no difference in severity of symptoms and comorbidity between patients with stenosis or occlusions (р>0,05). In case of stenosis, direct stenting of subclavian artery was performed. For occlusions, mechanical recanalization was performed using hydrophilic wires, balloon angioplasty followed by stenting. In all cases, we used a balloon-expandable stent. Results: technical success was achieved in 98,8% of interventions. There were no lethal outcomes, myocardial infarction, or stroke. In one patient, brachial artery thrombosis occurred in early postoperative period; thrombectomy from the brachial artery was performed with restoration of blood flow. Patency of subclavian artery after 1 and 3 years was 100% and 94%, respectively. Conclusions: endovascular interventions for occlusive-stenotic lesions of subclavian arteries is an effective and safe method of treatment of vertebrobasilar insufficiency.
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Abstract: Aim: was to show results of visceral revascularization in patients with chronic abdomina ischemia. Materials and methods: 24 patients with chronic abdominal ischemia underwent endovascular revascularization. Results: technical success was 100%. After endovascular revascularization, 19 (90%) of symptomatic patients noted improvement in the state of health in the form of a significant decrease of dyspepsia and abdominal pain. In the long-term period, 15 patients were examined (within 1 year). All examined patients underwent ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and CTA of the aorta. All patients had no symptoms of abdominal ischemia and signs of restenosis. Conclusions: endovascular methods should be considered as the first line in the treatment of atherosclerotic lesions of superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and celiac trunk, which are accompanied by fewer periprocedural complications and mortality, better rates of rehabilitation and shorter hospital stay. References 1. Pokrovskij A.V., Kazanchan P.O., Dujikov A.A. Diagnosis and treatment of chronic abdominal ischemia. Rostov-on-Don: Rostov State University Publ., 1982; 321 [In Russ]. 2. Furrer J, Grhntzig A, Kugelmeier J, Goebel N. Treatment of abdominal angina with percutaneous dilatation of an arteria mesenterica superior stenosis. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. 1980; 3: 434. 3. Gavrilenko A.V., Kosenkov A.N. Diagnosis and surgical treatment of chronic arterial ischemia. M.: Graal, 2000; 308 [in Russ]. 4. Aouini F, Bouhaffa A, Baazaoui J, Khelifi S, Ben Maamer A, Hoaus N, Cherif A. Acute mesenteric ischemia: study of predictive factors of mortality. Tunis Med., 2012; 90(7): 533-6. 5. Rabkin I.H. Angiography guideline. M.: Meditsina, 1977; 279 [in Russ]. 6. Shaws RS, Maynard EP Acute and chronic thrombosis of mesenteric arteries associated with malabsorption: a report of two cases successfully treated by thromboendarterectomy. N Engl. J. Med. 1958; 258: 8748 7. Pokrovskij A.V. Diseases of aorta and its branches. M.: Meditsina, 1979; 324 [in Russ]. 8. Kougias P, El Sayed HF, Zhou W, Lin PH. Management of chronic mesenteric ischemia. The role of endovascular therapy. J. Endovasc. Ther. 2007; 14 (3): 395-405. 9. Beaulieu R.J., Arnaoutakis K.D., Abularrage C.J., Efron D.T., Schneider E., Black J.H. Comparison of open and endovascular treatment of acute mesenteric ischemia. J. Vasc. Surg. 2014; 59 (1): 159-64. 10. Schermerhorn M.L., Giles K.A., Hamdan A.D., Wyers M.C., Pomposelli F.B. Mesenteric revascularization: management and outcomes in the United States, 19882006. J. Vasc. Surg. 2009; 50: 341-8. 11. Moghadamyeghaneh Z., Carmichael J.C., Mills S.D., Dolich M.O., Pigazzi A., Fujitani R.M., et al. Early outcome of treatment of chronic mesenteric ischemia. Am. Surg. 2015;81:1149-56 12. Grilli C.J., Fedele C.R., Tahir O.M., et al. Recanalization of chronic total occlusions of the superior mesenteric artery in patients with chronic mesenteric ischemia: technical and clinical outcomes. J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol. 2014; 25(10):1515-1524 13. Sharafuddin M., Nicholson R., Kresowik T., Amin P.B., Hoballah J.J., Sharp W.J. Endovascular recanalization of total occlusions of the mesenteric and celiac arteries. J. Vasc. Surg. 2012; 55(6):1674-1681.
Abstract: This study was aimed to show effectiveness of endovascular procedures in patients with critical lower limb ischemia (CLI), caused by lesions of iliac and femoral-popliteal-tibial segment's of arteries. Materials and methods: study includes results of treatment of 68 patients, who underwent endovascular procedures. Results: primary technical success in group with A, B, C TASC II aortoiliac lesions was 100%, with D TASC II aortoiliac lesions was 91,7%. In group with infrainguinal lesions overall primary technical success was 91,9%. Regression of ischemia was marked in all patients. The average growth of the ankle-brachial index (ABI) was 0,3. During one year of follow-up period, 3 major amputations were performed (5,8% of follow-up patients) in group of interventions of shin arteries with one recanalized tibial artery Salvation of lower limbs was 94,2% without CLI signs reccurence. Conclusion: endovascular interventions are effective, minimally invasive treatment for CLI. 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