Abstract: Revascularization strategy definition in acute coronary syndrome in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease is a significant problem of modern intervention cardiology Aim: was to evaluate effectiveness of special PC programs «Sapphire 2015 - Right dominance» and «Sapphire 2015 - Left dominance» designed to the revascularization strategy definition ir acute coronary syndrome patients. Materials and methods: revascularization strategy of 50 acute coronary syndrome patients was analyzed. In all cases the revascularization strategy was defined by the group of intervention cardiologists with the help of independent experts and special PC programs «Sapphire 2015 - Right dominance» and «Sapphire 2015 - Left dominance». Experts-, physicians-, and soft- based revascularization strategies were compared among themselves. Results: complete coincidence between expert-based and soft-based revascularization strategies was registered in 66% patients and the incomplete coincidence - in 32% patients. Complete mismatch between expert-based and soft-based revascularization strategies was registered in 2% patients. The complete coincidence between physicians-based and soft-based revascularization strategies was registered in 42% patients and the incomplete coincidence - ir 52% patients. Complete mismatch between physicians-based and soft-based revascularization strategies was registered in 6% patients Conclusion: as well as experts, special PC programs «Sapphire 2015 - Right dominance» and «Sapphire 2015 - Left dominance» provide success in the revascularization strategy definition 1г acute coronary syndrome patients with multivessel coronary artery disease. References 1. Hsieh V., Mehta S.R. How should we treat multi-vessel disease in STEMI patients? Curr. Treat. Options. Cardiovasc. 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Abstract: Aim: was to assess dynamics of strain (S) and strain rate (SR) of longitudinal, circular and radial fibers in patients with left ventricular (LV) aneurysm (LVA) before and in early stages after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) using Velocity Vector Imaging. Material and methods: in 270 segments LV in patients with LVA, S and SR of LV fibers was analyzed before and after CAB. Also analysis of S and SR was performed in patients with CABG and plastic of the LV (group 1, 144 segments) and in the group with CABG without plastic of the LV (group 2, 126 segments). Results: a function of longitudinal, circular and radial fibers after CABG has improved in all patients. Only SR of radial fibers reached normal. In group 1 was received the positive dynamics from the longitudinal S and SR, and SR circular and radial fibers. In group 2 indicators of function of longitudinal and circular fibers remained without negative dynamics, but positive dynamics is observed only from the SR of the radial fibers. The SR of radial fibers in both groups was normalized. Conclusion: improvement of LV function in all patients is due to the group I. It is important to study the LV function in patients with LVA depending on the type of surgery. References 1. Paramonova T.I., Basylev V.V., Vdovkin A.V., Palkova V.A., Karpuchin V.G. Vliyanie operacij rekonstrukcii levogo zheludochka na funkcional'nye i ob"emnye pokazateli u bol'nyh s postinfarktnoj anevrizmoj. [The impact of operations on the reconstruction of the left ventricle function and volume indices in patients with postinfarction aneurism.] Diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy. 2015; 1(6): 74-81 [In Russ]. 2. Dor V., Di Donato M., Civaya F. Postinfarktnoe remodelirovanie levogo zheludochka: magnitno-rezonansnaya tomografiya dlya ocenki patofiziologii posle rekonstrukcii levogo zheludochka. [Post myocardial infarct remodeling: role of magnetic resonance imaging for the assessment of its pathophysiology after left ventricular reconstruction.] Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2014; 3: 14-27 [In Russ]. 3. Chernyavskii A.M., Kareva Yu. E., Denisova M.A.,Efendiev V.U. Problema predoperacionnogo modelirovaniya levogo zheludochka. [The problem of preoperative left ventricular modeling.] Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery. 2015; 2: 4-7 [In Russ]. 4. Carasso Sh., Biaggi P., Rakowski H. et al. Velocity Vector Imaging: Standart Tissue - Tracking Results Acquired in Normals - The VVI - Strain Study. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography. 2012; 25(5): 543-552. 5. Alekhin M.N. Ul'trazvukovye metody ocenki deformacii miokarda i ih klinicheskoe znachenie. [Ultrasound estimation techniques and their clinical significance.] M.: Vidar-M, 2012; 88 p [In Russ]. 6. Rostamzadeh A., Shojaeifard M., Rezaei Y, et al. Diagnostic accuracy of myocardial deformation indices for detecting high risk coronary artery disease in patient without regional wall motion abnormality. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015; 8(6): 9412-9420. 7. Pavlyukova E.N., Karpov R.S Deformaciya, rotaciya i povorot po osi levogo zheludochka u bol'nyh ishemicheskoj bolezn'yu serdca s tyazheloj levozheludochkovoj disfunkciej. [Deformation, rotation, and axial torsion of the left ventricle in coronary heart disease patients with its severe dysfunction. ] Terapevticeskij arhiv. 2012;9: 11-16 [In Russ]. 8. Lang R.M., Badano L.P, Mor-Avi V., et al. Recommendation for cardiac chamber quantification by echocardiography in adults: an update from the American society of echocardiography and the European association of cardiovascular imaging. 2015; 16: 233-271. 9.