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Procedure of pre-operative ultrasonic imaging was conducted for nine patients with verified diagnosis of cervical adenocarcinoma. All the diagnosis were morphologically confirmed. A complex ultrasonic examination consisted of transabdominal and transvaginal echography of true pelvis organs as well as transabdominal examination of abdomen cavity and retroperitoneal space. All patients underwent true pelvis ultrasonic scanning including CDM mode, ED and Doppler pulse - wave mode. Based on the analyzed data, it was defined that echography makes it possible to determine the behavior of tumor local growth and to reveal metastases. We have traced a clear relationship of a disease stage on a ultrasonically fixed tumor size. An attempt is made to reveal specific echographic signs of adenocarcinoma of the cervix.





Aim: was to investigate characteristics of ultrasound image of hydatidiform mole (HM).

Materials and methods: analyzed 15 cases of this type of gestational trophoblastic tumor, which was confirmed morphologically. Transvaginal ultrasound examination was carried out in the B-mode, using the technique of color and power Doppler.

Results: it was marked out 2 ultrasound types of the tumor node in case of HM: cellular and solid-cystic. We have seen that the structure depends on the nature of the tumor vasculature.

Conclusion: determination of nodes localization and vascular lacunae in it allows to identify the danger of massive bleeding. 



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Case report indicates the usefulness of ultrasound for diagnostics of inorganic retroperitoneal tumor. It is necessary to use interventional methods under ultrasound control, because it gives an opportunity to clarify histological structure of tumor before surgical operation. 



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