Abstract: According to newest clinical studies, 20%-30% of acute coronary syndrome patients without БТ elevation have nonsignificant coronary artery stenosis Aim: was to estimate the effectiveness of percutaneous intermittent coronary sinus occlusior (ICSO) in acute coronary syndrome patients without БТ elevation and nonsignificant coronary arteries stenosis. Materials and methods: results of endovascular treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome patients without БТ elevation, for the period 09.10.2014-02.02.2015 were analyzed. All patients underwent ICSO for 10-13 minutes until intravenous wedge pressure plateau was achieved. Results: in the beginning of the intervention all patients had nonsignificant coronary arteries stenosis, peripheral coronary angiospasm and slow flow in left anterior descending arteries (LAD): Т1М1 frame count in LAD (TFCLAD) was 85,9±17,6 frm; distal diameter of LAD (DLAD) was 2,1±0,5 mm; quantitative blush evaluation score in LAD (QuBELAD) was 11,8±1,4. After the ICSO procedure coronary hemodynamic was improved: TFCLAD=59,5±9,8 frm; DLAD=2,5±0,4 mm; QuBELAD= 27,4±2,2; p=0,01). Conclusion: ICSO procedure led to the both improvement of the antegrade blood flow in LAD anc myocardial blush flow and reduction of the peripheral coronary angiospasm. ICSO procedure significantly improved the electrocardiography and clinical conditions. References 1. 2014 ESC/EACT Guidelines on myocardial revascularization/The Task Force on Myocardial Revascalarization of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACT). European Heart Journal. 2014; 35(37): 2541-619. 2. Moiseenkov G.V., Gajfulin R.A., Barbarash O.L., Berns S.A., Barbarash L.S. «Chistye» koronarnye arterii u bol'nyh ostrym koronarnym sindromom: [«Clean» coronary arteries in patients with acute coronary syndrome]. Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnalintervencionnoj kardioangiologii. 2008;14: 17 [In Russ]. 3. Ong P., Athanasiadis A., Hill S. Vogelsberg H. et al. Coronary Artery Spasm as a Frequent Cause of Acute Coronary Syndrome: The CASPAR (Coronary Artery Spasm in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome) Study. JACC. 2008; 52 (7): 528-530. 4. Antman E.M., Cohen M., Bernink PJ., McCabe C.H., Horacek T., Papuchis G., Mautner B., Corbalan R., Radley D., Braunwald E. The TIMI risk score for unstable angina/non-ST elevation MI: A method for prognostication and therapeutic decision making. JAMA. 2000; 284(7):835-42. 5. Tang E.W., Wong C.K., Herbison P Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) hospital discharge risk score accurately predicts long-term mortality post acute coronary syndrome. Am. Heart J. 2007 Jan; 153(1): 29-35. 6. Gibson C.M., Cannon C.P, Daley W.L., et al. TIMI frame count: a quantitative method of assessing coronary artery flow. Circulation. 1995; 93 (5): 879-88. 7. Porto I., Hamilton-Craig C., Brancati M., Burzotta F., et al. Angiographic assessment of microvascular perfusion-myocardial blush in clinical practice. Am. Heart J. 2010; 160(6):1015-22. 8. Vogelzang M., Vlaar PJ., Svilaas T. et al. Computer-assisted myocardial blush quantification after percutaneous coronary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction: a substudy from the TAPAS trial. European Heart Journal. 2009; 30: 594-599. 9. Van de Hoef T.P, Nolte F., Delewi R. et al. Intracoronary Hemodynamic Effects of Pressure-Controlled Intermittent Coronary Sinus Occlusion (PICSO): Results from the First-In-Man Prepare PICSO Study. Journal of Interventional Cardiology. 2012; 25 (6): 549-556. 10. Incorvati R.L., Tauberg S.G., Pecora M.G., et all. Clinical applications of coronary sinus retroperfusion during high risk percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. JACC 1993; 22(1):127-34. 11. Petrov V.I., Nedogoda S.V. «Medicina, osnovannaja na dokazatel'stvah»: Uchebnoe posobie: [Medicine, based on evidence]. Moskva: Gjeotar-Media, 2009; 144 s [In Russ]. 12. Meerbaum S., Lang T.W., Osher J.V., et al. Diastolic retroperfusion of acutely ischemic myocardium. Am. J. Cadiol. 1978; 41:1191-201. 13. Mohl W., Gangl C., Jusi A., et al. PICSO: from myocardial salvage to tissue regeneration. Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine. 2015; 16: 36-46. 14. Valuckien Z., Vasylius T., Unikas R. Left anterior descending coronary artery spasm and «accordion effect» mimicking coronary artery dissection. Medicina. 2014; 50 (5): 309-311.