Abstract: Aim: was to identify features of disorders of brain perfusion and diffusion in venous stroke anc arterial stroke by CT and MRI. Material and methods: in groups with acute venous stroke due dural sinustrombosis without primary hemorrhage (n=39) and atherothrombotic stroke (n=33) were performed perfusion CT (with relative MTT, CBV CBF) and MRI (with relative DWI and ADC), besides routine CT and CTA. Results: rMTT in central areas were not different, but in venous stroke perifocal zone rMTT=1.27±0.2 vs. 1.68± Conclusion: MR or CT perfusion and MR diffusion imaging in acute stroke make it possible to distinguish between primary arterial ischemic brain damage from congestive plethora due venous stroke. Perfusion-diffusion mismatch venous stroke has a different origin than in arterial stroke. If infarction is not formed benign hyperemia (not oligemia) - early vasogenic edema identified like basis of venous stroke. 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