Abstract: Internal carotid artery (ICA) pathological kinking considered to be one of the main causes of stroke. Aim of our study was to assess endovascular possibilities to manage this condition. Carotid stenting performed in 15 non-fixed human corpses with ICA kinking (6 - L-shaped, 5 - S-shaped, 4 - looping) under hydrodynamic monitoring. It is shown that endovascular correction (stenting) of kinked ICA straightens the artery, considerably reduces pressure gradient, and increases volume of flow. At the same time carotid stenting, performed for ICA kinking, does not distress the vessel wall, in particular, it causes no significant intimal trauma. Reference 1. Riser M.M., Gerause J., Ducoudray J., Ribaunt L. Dolicho-carotide interne avec syndrome vertigneux. Neurology. 1951; 85: 145-147.
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Abstract: A standard X-ray is still the most affordable method of evaluation of patients, including those with spinal diseases since 1895 when X-rays were found and were introduced into general practice. In the standard X-ray examination of the spine and all the anatomical structures located at different depths and different distances, projected onto x-ray film or a screen in the form of planar image. In order to neutralize these drawbacks and to improve visualization, various tomographic techniques have been developed. The most modern and promising diagnostic method is a multisection linear imaging (tomosynthesis), in which a single pass X-ray tube is a series of slices. Digital X-ray tomography with multislice linear are used as a rule, in the world, for examination of breast and lungs. The article presents data on the different types of X-ray tomography in evaluation of patients with tuberculous spondylitis.
Article exists only in Russian.
Article exists only in Russian.
Article exists only in Russian.
Abstract: Aneurism of the splenic artery is a rare, but potentially life-threatening condition. In the majority of patients with an aneurism of unpaired visceral arteries the endovascular procedure is a treatment of choice. Of them stent graft implantation is considered as the most promising method. However, until recent only balloon-dilated stent grafts were used. Due to a rigid delivering system this type of grafts cannot be implanted in distal branches of visceral arteries, that is significant limitation of this technique. Technological advances and developing of low-profile soft self-expanding grafts allow overcoming this limitation. New type of grafts opens the possibility to exclude aneurisms even in conditions of marked vessel tortuosity and complex vascular anatomy Conclusion: stent-graft implantation is an effective and safe method of treatment of splenic artery false aneurisms. 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Article exists only in Russian.
Article exists only in Russian.