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Introduction: currently, chemoradiation therapy is widely used as the main method of specific treatment for locally advanced head and neck cancer. Previously it was believed that radiation damage of carotid arteries occurs only several years after treatment.

Material and methods: article presents two case reports of internal carotid artery stenosis which arose directly during the course of chemoradiation of head and neck malignant tumors. In the first case, patient K., 54 years old, had laryngeal cancer (stage III: T3N1M0), in the second case, patient M., 40 years old, had tongue cancer (stage I: T1N0M0).

Conlusion: article presents angiographically confirmed carotid artery stenosis arisen directly during chemoradiation and in early stages after its completion. The discussion presents data on the incidence of stenosing lesions of carotid arteries, cerebrovascular events among patients undergoing radiation therapy. It is necessary to draw attention of specialists to the problem of early stenosis of carotid arteries during radiation and chemoradiation therapy of head and neck tumors.



Aim: was to proceed comparative analysis of immediate and long-term results of chemoradiation treatment of unresectable local-spread oropharyngeal cancer with use of standart chemoradiatior therapy with intravenous chemoinjection and individual volume-controlled superselective intraarterial chemotherapy.

Materials and methods: 43 patients with unresectable oropharyngeal cancer were included in trial comparing intra-arterial (IA) and intravenous (IV) chemoradiation. IV chemoradiation (n=19 patients) comprised 3-4 times of 100 mg/m2 cisplatin infusion on days 1, 22, 43 combined 2Gy x 5 days fractions with total radiation dose 72Gy The IA chemoradiation group (n=24) comprised 3 or 4 x 90 mg/m2 cisplatin administered in the tumor-feeding artery by personified volume- controlled targeted perfusion. The induction IA chemotherapy was given one day before radiation. Then IA chemotherapy conducted regularly 22, 43, 64 days followed radiation.

Results: we made 86 IA procedures and had no IA-related death or procedure related complications. Five patients of IA group were excluded from long term analysis because of non-comleted protocol. The median follow-up was 21±2.3 months in IA group and 36 months in all patients in IV therapy group. In 19 patients received IA chemoradiotherapy protocol - 100% complete response (CR) and in IV chemoradiotherapy - only in 10 (53%) of 19 patients (ф = 6,820, р<0.05). CR was noted in 8 patients with N1 lymph-nodes and in 9 of 10 patients with N2 lymph nodes in IA therapy group. Initial lymph nodes regress more than 80-90% was observed and follow up improvement was confirmed by PET-CT. One-year overall survival (OS) rates were 95% and 79%, respectively in IA and IV groups (not significant OR = 4,8; ф = 1,51; р = 0,05), but two year OS rates were 90% and 58%, respectively (р<0,05). These data are encourage but further follow-up results need to be investigated. 



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