Abstract: РТА and stenting of lower limb s arteries was performed in 28 diabetic patients with critical limb ischemia. Technical success rate of interventions was 96,3%. Clinical success rate after the procedure was 64,3%. Mean values of basal ТсРО2 on the foot after operation increased on 11 mm of mercury. At a favorable outcome of treatment ankle-brachial index values increased on 0,2-0,4. Ischemia recurrence rate was 25%. All recurrences of ischemia were observed in period of 3 to 9 months. Cumulative limb salvage rate in 6 months was 80 %, in 12 months - 75%. In short period of observation PTA and stenting in diabetic patients is able to eliminate the necessity of amputation in majority of patients. Considering weight of the general condition of such patients, presence of accompanying diseases, risk of development of complications of surgical treatment, РТА can be considered as operation of the first choice. Reference 1. Rutherford R.B., Durham J. Percutaneous balloon angioplasty for arteriosclerosis obliterans: Long-term results. In Pearce W.H. (eds). Technologies in Vascular Surgery. 1992; 32-345. 2. Шиповский В.Н. Баллонная ангиопластика в лечении хронической ишемии нижних конечностей.Дис. д-ра мед. наук. 2002; 16-17. 3. Jeans W.D., Armstrong S. Fate of patients undergoing transluminal angioplasty for lower-limb ischemia. Radiology. 1990; 177: 559-564. 4. Krepel V.M., van Andel G.J. et al. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of the femoropopliteal arteries: initial and long-term results. Radiology. 1985; 156:25-28. 5. Харазов А Ф. Диагностика и результаты лечения пациентов с критической ишемией нижних конечностей при атеросклеротическом и диабетическом поражении артерий ниже паховой связки. Дис. канд.мед. наук. 2002; 12.
Abstract: Endovascular interventions operations of coronary arteries are a long-term and fast-developing branch of surgical treatment of ischemic disease. Radiational skin damage is a rare and grave complication caused by endovascular interventions operations. The risk factors for this disorder are diabetes, disorders of conjunctive tissue and obesity. Complicated anatomy of coronary vessels prolonges the surgical intrusion, thus increasing the impact of radiation. Radiated areas are treated by excision of diseased soft tissues. Afterwards the defect is covered with vascularised scraps. Three patients suffering radiation sores on the back were examined during the research. They were diseased with chronical coronar occlusions, and one of the patients had the reocclusion inside the previously implanted stent. All individuals were overweight and required more strickt radiation than usual to obtain accurate images. That is why a precise control over the dosage of radiation is crucial. If radiation damage is developing, an active surgery is an effective treatment that must be applied. References 1. La Manna A., Di Mario С. Therapeutic Strategies in Multiple Vessel Coronary Artery Disease. E-Journal of European Society of Cardiology. 2005; 29: 17 - 23. 2. Wagner L.K., McNeese M.D., Marx M.V, Siegel E.L. Severe Skin Reactions from Interventional Fluoroscopy: Case Report and Review of Literature. Radiology. 1999; 213: 773-776. 3. Koenig T.R., Wolff D., Mettler F.A., Wagner L.K. Skin Injuries from Fluoroscopically Guided Procedures: Part 1, Characteristics of Radiation Injury. American Journal of Radiology. 2001; 177: 3 - 11. 4. Бардычев М. С, Кацалап С. Н., Курпешева А. К. и др. Диагностика и лечение местных лучевых повреждений. Медицинская радиология. 1992; 12: 22-25. 5. Kuon E., Glaser С, Damn J.B. Effective techniques for reduction of radiation dosage to patients undergoing invasive cardiac procedures. The British Journal of Radiology. 2003; 76: 406-413. 6. Iyer PS. Acute radiation injury caused by faulty x-ray fluoroscopy during cardiac procedures. Health Phys. 1976; 31: 385-387. 7. Wolff D., Heinrich K.W Strahlenschaden der Hautnach Herzkatheterdiagnostik und: therapie 2 Kasuis-tiken. Hautnah Derm. 1993; 5: 450 - 452. 8. Lichtenstein D.A., Klapholz L., Vardy D.A., et al. Chronic radiodermatitis following cardiac catheterization. Arch. Dermatol. 1996; 132: 663 - 667. 9. ShopeT.B. Radiation-induced skin injuries from fluoroscopy RadioGraph-ics. 1996; 16: 1195 - 1199. 10. Sovik E., Klow N-E., Hellesnes J, Lykke J. Radiation-induced skin injury after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. 12. Poletti J.L. Radiation injury to skin following a cardiac interventional procedure (letter). Australas Radiol. 1997; 41: 82-83. 13. Gironet N., Jan V, Machet M.C. et. al. Radiodermite chronique post catheterisme cardiaque: role favorisant du ciprofibrate (Lipanor)? Ann. Dermatol. Venereol. 1998; 125:598-600. 14. Granel E, Barbaud A., Gillet-Terver M.N., et al. Radio-dermites chroniques apres catheterisme interventionnel cardiaque: quatre observations. Ann. Dermatol. Venereol. 1998; 125: 405 - 407. 15. Stone M.S., Robson K.J., LeBoit PE. Subacute radiation dermatitis from fluoroscopy during coronary artery stenting: evidence for cytotoxic lymphocyte mediated apoptosis. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 1998; 38: 333-336. 16. Dandurand M., Huet P., Guillot B. Radiodermites secondaires aux explorations endovasculaires: 5 observations. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 1999; 126: 413 - 417. 17. Dehen L., Vilmer C, Humiliere C. et. al. Chronic radio-dermatitis following cardiac catheterisation: a report of two cases and a brief review of the literature. Heart. 1999; 81: 308-312. 18. Miralbell R., Maillet P., Crompton N.E., et. al. Skin radionecrosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty: dosimetric and biological assessment. J.Vasc. Interv. Radiol. 1999; 10: 1190 - 1194. 19. Pezzano M, Duterque M, Lardoux H, et al. Radiodermite thoracique en cardiologie interventionnelle: a propos de 6 cas. Arch Mai Coeur Vaiss. 1999; 92: 1197 - 1204. 20. Sajben FP, Schoelch SB, Barnette DJ. Fluoroscopicin-duced radiation dermatitis. Cutis. 1999; 64: 57 - 59.