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This review is devoted to critical upper limb ischemia in patients with hemodialysis vascular access. Possible etiological causes of critical ischemia and diagnostic aspects of this pathology are considered. Contemporary approaches of treatment of critical ischemia in this group of patients are demonstrated; indications and contraindications for methods of treatment are discussed. Particular attention has been paid to endovascular method of revascularization of hand, which can become the method of choice in treatment of patients with critical ischemia of the upper limb caused by occlusive lesions of arteries in patients with hemodialysis vascular access.



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41.   Tomoi Y, Soga Y, Fujihara M, et al. Outcomes of Endovascular Therapy for Upper Extremity Peripheral Artery Disease With Critical Hand Ischemia. J Endovasc Ther. 2016; 23(5): 717-22.

42.   Law Y, Chan YC, Cheng SW. Angioplasty of forearm arteries as a finger salvage procedure for patient with end-stage renal failure. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis. 2016; 9: 105-109.

43.   Gandini R, Angelopoulos G, Da Ros V, et al. Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for treatment of critical hand ischemia with a novel endovascular approach: the radial to ulnar artery loop technique. J Vasc Surg. 2010; 52: 760-762.

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46.   Gandini R, Fabiano S, Morosetti D, et al. Endovascular treatment of below-the-elbow arteries in critical hand ischemia. Minerva Cardioangiol. 2016; 64(6): 662-71.

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We performed an analysis of literature data about angiosome concept in treatment of patients wih critical lower limb ishemia. We presented data on the appearance and development of this concept. Possibilities of using this tactic in various situations are considered, advantages and disadvantages of this concept are shown. Factors, limiting the effectiveness of this method, and alternative methods when it is impossible to restore blood flow according to the angiosome concept - the degree of lesion of arteries and the development of collateral blood flow to restore perfusion of soft tissues are given. It has been shown that the correct assessment of collateral arteries in critical lower limb ischemia plays a central role in any type of lower limb revascularization, and this statement also applies to a strategy based on the angiosome concept.



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Purpose: on the basis of long-term results of renal angioplasty and stenting, the authors define the indications for endovascular interventions in patients with renovascular hypertension (RVH).

Materials and methods: since 1992-2008 in Tashkent Medical Academy Vascular Surgery Center were performed 131 endovascular interventions in 119 patients for renal arteries (RA) stenoses of various origins. 97 patients underwent balloon angioplasty (BA) of renal arteries (105 interventions), and stenting was performed in 22 cases (26 stenting procedures). Systolic blood pressure varied from 170 to 300 mm Hg (219,4±23,1 mmHg), with diastolic blood pressure from 170 to 300 mm Hg (118,1±8,9 mm Hg). Average arterial hypertension history was 5,2±3,7 years (6 months - 16 years).

Results: technical success rate was 85,6% for balloon angioplasty, and 100 % for stenting procedures. Immediate hypotensive effect was good to satisfactory. Complication rate was 2,5% (3 patients). Long-term results were assessed in 76 cases of balloon angioplasty (78,4%), and in all patients with renal arteries stenting. The average follow-up was 72±32,5 months (6-144 months) for balloon angioplasty, and 6-24 months for stenting group. In the angioplasty group long-term hypotensive effect lasted in 54(71,1%) of patients, and the restenosis rate was as high as 28,9% (22 cases). In the stenting group, the long-term hypotensive effect was preserved in all the patients, and there were no cases of restenosis.

Conclusions: high rates of technical and clinical success, as well as low rates of restenosis, allow the renal artery stenting procedure to be seen as the method of choice for renovascular hypertension.



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Article describes the clinical case of a patient suffering from Takayasu's disease and stenotic lesion of the renal artery with early restenosis of renal artery after stenting, causes of mistakes in diagnosis and choice of treatment are also discussed.



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Aim: was to determine indications for use of the technique of retrograde recanalization of the occluded portion of the artery through tibial collateral branches.

Materials and methods: 71 years old patient, was admitted with complaints of pain at rest in the right foot, cold, lack of sensitivity of fingers of both feet, blackening of hallux of the right foot with ischemic gangrene of 1 toe of right foot. Multislice computed tomography angiography of lower limbs revealed shin artery occlusion on both sides. Regional systolic pressure (RSP) on the right anterior tibial artery (ATA) - 80 mm Hg., (ancle-brachial index (ABI) = 0.55) for posterior tibial artery (PTA) - 50 mm Hg., (ABI = 0.33). Diagnostic angiography: fibular artery and PTA occlusion throughout, occlusion of proximal and middle parts of ATA. We performed retrograde recanalization of the occluded artery of the transcollateral approach

Results: ATA patency restored all the way to the foot. RSP to ATA 140 mm Hg., (ABI = 0.9) for PTA RSP was 100 mm Hg., (ABI = 0.6).

Conclusions: transcollateral approach is an additional method of revascularization, which increases the rate of technical success after a failed antegrade revascularization, and this method can be an alternative to the retrograde approach.



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