Abstract: 19 males with unilateral symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis were stented in 2007 using Mo.Ma cerebral protection device (Invatec, Italy). Angiographic success rate was 100%, average procedure time 53,7±9,9 min, ICA occlusion time 53,7±19,9 min. 2 patients presented transitory ischemic attack. Clinical improvement achieved in all cases. Our experience demonstrates that the Mo.Ma device effectively prevents intraprocedural cerebral embolism in carotid stenting, and the idea of proximal protection seems to be safe, user-friendly and very promising.
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Abstract: Aim. Was to estimate the role of transcutaneous interventions under the supervision of radiodiagnostics in the maintenance of all mini-nvasive kinds of operation stages of surgical treatment in patients with pancreatic and duodenal zone tumors Materials and methods. For the period from January 2007 till march 2010, 21 patients, aged 49-75 (10 men, 11 women) - were under aparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy (LPDE) Results. The use bile ducts drainage systems before LPDE in 95% cases leads to small hemorrhage (less than 1 liter). The presence of cholangiostomy also leads to early diagnostics of biliodigistive anastamosis (BDA) stenosis, and makes bile peritonitis – impossible. Conclusion. Usage of non-vascular methods of interventional radiology allows to make effective and less traumatic biliar decompression in patients with biliopancreatic and duodenal zone tumors as a stage of LPDE preparations. The presence of decompression cholangiostomy prevents further BDA inconsistency, and makes pacreaticojejunoanastamosis healing faster in case of its' decompression. References 1. Покровский А.В. Клиническая ангиология. Руководство. В двух томах. Т.2. М.: Медицина. 2004; 888. 2. Савельев В.С., Кошкин В.М. Критическая ишемия нижних конечностей. М.: Медицина. 1997; 160. 3. Jeans W.D. et al. Fate of patients undergoing transluminal angioplasty for lover-limb ischemia. Radiology. 1990; 177: 559-564. 4. Hunink M.G. et al. Patency results of percutaneous and surgical revascularization for femoropopliteal arterial disease. Med. Decis. Making. 1994; 14: 71-81. 5. Stokes K.R. et al. Five-year results of iliac end femoropopliteal angioplasty in diabetic patients. Radiology. 1990; 174: 977-982. 6. Минкин С., Рабкин Д. Экспериментально-морфологическое исследование динамики «вживления» рентгеноэндоваскулярных протезов в сосудистую стенку. Материалы 8-го симпозиума по рентгеноэндоваскуляр-ной хирургии. Москва - Ереван. 1987; 12. 7. Maas D. et al. Radiological follow-ap of transluminalli inserted vascular endoprothes-es. An experimental study using expanding spirals. Radiology. 1984; 152: 659-663. 8. Blum U. et al. Percutaneous recanalization of iliac occlusions. Resultsof a prosrective study. Radiology. 1993; 189: 536-540. 9. Henry M. et al. Stenting of femoral and popliteal arteries. Tenth international book of peripheral vascular intervention. 1995; 199: 368-369. 10. Henry M. et al. Palmaz stent placement in iliac and femoropopliteal arteries. Primary and secondary patency in 310 patients 2-4 year follow-up. Radiology. 1995; 197: 167-174. 11. Коков Л.С., Покровский А.В., Балан А.Н. и др. Отдаленные результаты клинического применения отечественного нитинолово-го стента для лечения стенозирующих поражений артерий. Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия. 2002; 8 (1): 41-46. 12. Scheinert D. et al. Stent supported recanaliza-tion of chronic iliac artery occlusions. Tenth international book of peripheral vascular intervention. Edited by M. Hanry. M. Fmor.Paris. 1999; 303-313. 13. Zeller T. Long-term results after recanalisation of thrombotic occlusions of native and stented arteries using a rotationals thrombectomy device. The Paris Course on Revascularization. Paris. 2002; 435-441. 14. White C.J. Peripheral аtherectomi with the рullback аtherectomy сatheter. Procedural safety and efficacy in a multicenter trail. J. of Endovascular. Surgery. 1998; 5: 9-17. 15. Yoffe B. et al. Preliminary experience with the Xtrak debulking device the treatment of peripheral occlusions. J. Endovasc. Ther. 2002; 9: 234-240. 16. Zeller T. et al. Midterm results after atherectomy-assisted angioplasty of below-knee arteries with use of the silverhawk device. J. Intervent. Radiol. 2004; 15: 1391-1397. 17. Ramaiah V. et al. Midterm outcomes from the TALON registry. Treating peripherals with «Silverhawk». Outcomes collection.J. Endovasc. Ther. 2006; 13 (5): 592-602.
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