Abstract: Introduction: renal arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a pathological communication between renal arteries and veins, both acquired and congenital. Congenital AVMs of kidneys, on average, remain asymptomatic for up to 30-40 years, occurring mainly in women, may manifest with hematuria and pain. Nephrectomy is known to be historical method of treating AVM of the kidney, however, with the development of angiographic instrumentation, endovascular methods of treatment began to be introduced into practice more often. Case report: a 30-year-old female patient with ongoing recurrent bleeding from the urogenital tract. Performed preoperative examination: laboratory tests, cystoscopy, ultrasound, multispiral computed tomography. Patient underwent angiography followed by embolization of kidney AVM with Squid. Results: intraoperatively, it was noted that AVM embolization is partial. During the first day of the observation period, the presence of postembolization syndrome in the form of hyperthermia, pain and dysuric syndromes, a phenomenon of systemic reaction according to laboratory tests were noted. After 1,5 months, patient was hospitalized for second stage of embolizaion, but during angiography it appeared, that AVM is totally embolized. Conclusions: renal artery embolization in patients with renal arteriovenous malformations is a minimally invasive, effective method of treatment. 1. The process of selective embolization is controlled and can be used as an independent method of treatment. 2. Due to selective catheterization of arteries and the infusion of agent directly into the affected area, segmental infarction occurs, as a result of which there is minimal destruction of the healthy part of the kidney parenchyma, the function of the kidney will not suffer. References 1. Kenny DPN, Egizi T, Camp R. Cirsoid renal arteriovenous malformation. Applied Radiology. 2016; 45: 35-37. 2. Mukendi AM, Rauf A, Doherty S, et al. Renal arteriovenous malformation: An unusual pathology. SA Journal of Radiolog. 2019: 23(1). 3. Rosen RJ, Ryles TS: Arterial venous malformations. In Vascular disease. Surgical and Interventional Therapy Volume 2. Edited by: Strandness DE, Van Breda A. New York, Churchill Livingstone; 1994:1121-37. 4. Neeraj V, Cinosh M, Kim JM, et al. Massive hematuria due to congenital renal arteriovenous malformation successfully treated by renal artery embolization. J Assoc Phys India. 2018; 66: 78-80. 5. Sorokin NI. Superselective renal artery occlusion. Diss. doct. med. sciences. M., 2015; 346 [In Russ].
Abstract: In clinical practice, ischemic stroke still remains a difficult problem, being in most leading causes of death. Development of new treatments, founding of new therapeutic algorythmes and untiringly technical progress in sphere of instrumental support of operation-room allow to proceed endovascular intervention in group of patients with cardioembolic stroke. Case report presents successful endovascular treatment of patient from cardio-surgical department of Belgorod Region Clinical Hospital named after St. loasaf, with cardioembolic stroke, onset in preoperative period (before aorto-coronary bypass). Materials and methods: patient A., 59 years, diagnosis: «Ischemic heart disease. Exertional angina FC II. Post-infarction cardiosclerosis. (AMI in September 2014). Stenosis of coronary arteries according to coronary angiography (CAG), hemodynamically significant. Hypertensive heart disease III st., 2 degree, with the defeat of the heart and blood vessels of the brain, with the achievement of target blood pressure (BP). Diabetes mellitus type 2, the second insulin-depended, stage subcompensation. Risk factor 4. congestive heart failure 2a class, functional class III. Chronic gallstone disease. Chronic calculous cholecystitis without exacerbation». 05.02.15 - onset of ischemic stroke in left hemisphere of brain. Patient urgently underwent: multislice computed tomography (MSCT), MSCT-angiography of main brain arteries, direct angiography of main brain arteries. Survey showed: occlusion of proximal third of left common carotid artery (CCA) with TICI-0 blood flow; left middle cerebral artery (MCA) and anterior cerebral artery (ACA) were filled threw anterior communicating artery (ACoA) from right internal carotid artery (ICA). Patient underwent: recanalization of occlusion, thrombectomy from left CCA, stenting of CCA-ICA segment, selective thrombolythic therapy into left MCA. Results: «Time-To-Treatment» was 4 hours 15 minutes. Made endovascular treatment leaded to regression of neurological deficit. Conclusions: the use of endovascular methods in patients with cardioembolic stroke car decrease neurological deficit and increase quality of life of patients in this group. References
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