Abstract: Purpose. Was to define the capability of multi-slice computed tomography angiography (MSCT-angiography) in diagnostics of arteriove-nosus conflict in patients with primary and recurrent varicocele. Materials and methods. 46 patients with left-side varicocele were underwent MSCT-angiography: 36 had firstly diagnosed disease, 10 had recurrent types. Capability of MSCT-angiography in the zone of possible arteriovenosus conflicts was estimated on the base of imaging analysis: axial, multiplanar and 3D-imaging of left renal vein (LRV), a.mesenterica superior (AMS) in aortomesenterical zone, and crossing place of left iliaca communis vein(LICV) and right iliaca communis artery (LICA). We have investigated structure features of left testiculars vein (LTV) in patients with primary and recurrent varicocele. Results. All the patients during axial imaging analysis we have investigated the crossing place of LRV and LICV with conflict arteries - AMS and LICA. We have revealed featured of LRV, compressed by AMS, on the base of axial and multiplanar imaging changes. Analysis of axial multiplanar and 3D-reconstruction has showed high capability in diagnostics of arteriovenosus conflict on the level LICV Study of multiplanar and CT-imaging in case of LICV valve insufficiency and different types of anatomy is possible Conclusions. Taking into consideration diagnostic capability, technical simplicity and high sensitivity of MSCT-angiography in diagnostics of arteriovenosus conflicts in varicocele, this methodic must be included in algorithm of patients examination in case of primary and recurrent varicocele. MSCT-angiography in definition of haemodynamic types of disorders can promote the right choice of surgical correction. References 1. Kim et al. Hemodynamic Investigation of the Left Renal Vein in Pediatric Varicocele. Doppler US, Venoaphy and Pressure Measurements. Radiology. 2006; 241. 2. Степанов В.Н., Кадыров З.А. Диагностика и лечение варикоцеле. М. 2001; 200. 3. Бавильский В.Ф., Суворов А.В., Иванов А.В. и др. Выбор метода оперативного лечения варикоцеле. Урология. 2003; 6: 40-43. 4. Гарбузов Р.В., Поляев Ю.А., Петрушин А.В. Артериовенозный конфликт и варикоцеле у подростков. Диагностическая и итервенционная радиология. 2010; 4 (3): 31-36. 5. Мазо Е.Б., Тирси К.А., Андранович С.В., Дмитриев Д.Г. Ультразвуковой тест и скротальная допплер-эхография в предоперационной диагностике гемо-динамического типа варикоцеле. Урология и нефрология. 1999; 3: 22-26. 6. Лопаткин Н.А., Морозов А.В., Житникова Л.Н. Стеноз почечной вены. М.: Медицина. 1984. 7. Коган М.И., Афоко А., Тампуори Д., Асанти-Асамани А., Пипченко О.И. Варикоцеле: противоречия проблемы. Урология. 2009; 6: 67-72. 8. Кадыров З.А. Варикоцеле. М.: Медицина. 2006.