Abstract Aim: was to evaluate possibilities of puncture biopsy under ultrasound guidance of parasternal lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer. Material and methods: study included 34 patients with breast cancer. Criteria for inclusion in the study were: primary breast cancer with a central or medial tumor localization, and patients under observation after previously undergoing surgical treatment. All patients underwent an ultrasound examination of the breast and regional zones, including the parasternal lymphatic collector. All patients underwent biopsy. Results: in total, 39 parasternal lymph nodes suspicious on secondary lesion were detected, of which 17 (43,5%) lymph nodes had a specific lesion, 22 (56,5%) lymph nodes showed cystological signs of hyperplasia according to results of cytological examination. Parasternal lymph nodes metastases were detected in 16 (47,1%) of 34 patients included in our study. In all cases of specific lesion, lymph nodes were rounded, there was a violation of differentiation of anatomical structures, the absence of a central echo complex, a violation of differentiation and thickening of the cortical layer. In the group of primary patients, 3 (27,3%) patients with metastases in parasternal lymph nodes had distant metastases, remaining 8 (72,7%) patients, due to the lesion of the parasternal lymphatic collector, the stage of the disease were adjusted upwards (stage IIIA). Conclusion: fine-needle aspiration biopsy under ultrasound-guidance in case of suspected secondary lesion of parasternal lymph nodes, can be successfully used to obtain morphological material with minimal traumatic impact, without the use of anesthesia, which will more adequately assess the state of parasternal lymph nodes at the preoperative stage, correctly set the stage of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment. References 1. Хоперия В.Г. Тонкоигольная аспирационная пункционная биопсия узлов щитовидной железы: показания, техника, клиническое применение. Украинский научно-практический центр эндокринной хирургии и трансплантации эндокринных органов и тканей МЗ Украины. Номер: 1 (35), 2011 г. С. 57-67. 2. Федотов Ю.Н., Воробьев С.Л., Черников РА. Тонкоигольная аспирационная биопсия в диагностике заболеваний щитовидной железы. Корреляция между заключением цитолога и гистолога, технические аспекты. Клиническая и экспериментальная тиреоидология. 2009. Т. 5. № 4. С. 28-32. 3. Бурдюков М.С., Нечипай А.М. Тонкоигольная пункция под контролем эндоскопической ультрасонографии: осложнения и альтернативы. Российский электронный журнал лучевой диагностики. 2013. Т. 3. № 2. С. 26-37. 4. Марченко М.Г., Трофимов Е.И., Виноградов В.В. Современные методы выявления метастазов рака гортани и гортаноглотки в лимфатические узлы шеи. Российская оториноларингология. 2011. № 1 (50). С. 114-117. 5. TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours, 7th ed. Sobin L.H., Gospodarowicz M.K., Wittekind Ch., eds. New York: Wiley-Blackwell; 2009. 6. V. L. Kovalenko, M. F. Musafirov, R. V. Experience of video-assisted thoracoscopic parasternal lymph node dissection in breast cancer. Dal'nevostochnyj medicinskij zhural 2014 g. [In Russ.] 7. Ujmanov V.A., Nechushkin M.I., Trigolosov A.V.. Petrovskij A.V., Vishnevskaya YA.V., Zajceva A.A. Surgical techniques for morphological assessment of the state of the parasternal lymphatic collector as part of organ-preserving treatment in patients with breast cancer. Vestnik RONTS im. N.N. Blochina RAMN. Tom 23: 3(89), 2012: 29 34. [In Russ.] 8. McDonald E, Haagensen C.D. In: Diseases of the breast. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders; 1971. 9. Letyagin V.P., Laktionov K.P, Vysockaya I.V., Kotov V.A. Breast cancer. - M., 1996. - 150 s. [In Russ.] 10. Sinyakov A.G. Videothoracoscopic parasternal lymphadenectomy in the treatment of breast cancer. Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental’nyh issledovanij. №10, 2014. [In Russ.]
Abstract: According to newest clinical studies, 20%-30% of acute coronary syndrome patients without БТ elevation have nonsignificant coronary artery stenosis Aim: was to estimate the effectiveness of percutaneous intermittent coronary sinus occlusior (ICSO) in acute coronary syndrome patients without БТ elevation and nonsignificant coronary arteries stenosis. Materials and methods: results of endovascular treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome patients without БТ elevation, for the period 09.10.2014-02.02.2015 were analyzed. All patients underwent ICSO for 10-13 minutes until intravenous wedge pressure plateau was achieved. Results: in the beginning of the intervention all patients had nonsignificant coronary arteries stenosis, peripheral coronary angiospasm and slow flow in left anterior descending arteries (LAD): Т1М1 frame count in LAD (TFCLAD) was 85,9±17,6 frm; distal diameter of LAD (DLAD) was 2,1±0,5 mm; quantitative blush evaluation score in LAD (QuBELAD) was 11,8±1,4. After the ICSO procedure coronary hemodynamic was improved: TFCLAD=59,5±9,8 frm; DLAD=2,5±0,4 mm; QuBELAD= 27,4±2,2; p=0,01). Conclusion: ICSO procedure led to the both improvement of the antegrade blood flow in LAD anc myocardial blush flow and reduction of the peripheral coronary angiospasm. ICSO procedure significantly improved the electrocardiography and clinical conditions. References 1. 2014 ESC/EACT Guidelines on myocardial revascularization/The Task Force on Myocardial Revascalarization of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACT). European Heart Journal. 2014; 35(37): 2541-619. 2. Moiseenkov G.V., Gajfulin R.A., Barbarash O.L., Berns S.A., Barbarash L.S. «Chistye» koronarnye arterii u bol'nyh ostrym koronarnym sindromom: [«Clean» coronary arteries in patients with acute coronary syndrome]. Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnalintervencionnoj kardioangiologii. 2008;14: 17 [In Russ]. 3. Ong P., Athanasiadis A., Hill S. Vogelsberg H. et al. Coronary Artery Spasm as a Frequent Cause of Acute Coronary Syndrome: The CASPAR (Coronary Artery Spasm in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome) Study. JACC. 2008; 52 (7): 528-530. 4. Antman E.M., Cohen M., Bernink PJ., McCabe C.H., Horacek T., Papuchis G., Mautner B., Corbalan R., Radley D., Braunwald E. The TIMI risk score for unstable angina/non-ST elevation MI: A method for prognostication and therapeutic decision making. JAMA. 2000; 284(7):835-42. 5. Tang E.W., Wong C.K., Herbison P Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE) hospital discharge risk score accurately predicts long-term mortality post acute coronary syndrome. Am. Heart J. 2007 Jan; 153(1): 29-35. 6. Gibson C.M., Cannon C.P, Daley W.L., et al. TIMI frame count: a quantitative method of assessing coronary artery flow. Circulation. 1995; 93 (5): 879-88. 7. Porto I., Hamilton-Craig C., Brancati M., Burzotta F., et al. Angiographic assessment of microvascular perfusion-myocardial blush in clinical practice. Am. Heart J. 2010; 160(6):1015-22. 8. Vogelzang M., Vlaar PJ., Svilaas T. et al. Computer-assisted myocardial blush quantification after percutaneous coronary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction: a substudy from the TAPAS trial. European Heart Journal. 2009; 30: 594-599. 9. Van de Hoef T.P, Nolte F., Delewi R. et al. Intracoronary Hemodynamic Effects of Pressure-Controlled Intermittent Coronary Sinus Occlusion (PICSO): Results from the First-In-Man Prepare PICSO Study. Journal of Interventional Cardiology. 2012; 25 (6): 549-556. 10. Incorvati R.L., Tauberg S.G., Pecora M.G., et all. Clinical applications of coronary sinus retroperfusion during high risk percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. JACC 1993; 22(1):127-34. 11. Petrov V.I., Nedogoda S.V. «Medicina, osnovannaja na dokazatel'stvah»: Uchebnoe posobie: [Medicine, based on evidence]. Moskva: Gjeotar-Media, 2009; 144 s [In Russ]. 12. Meerbaum S., Lang T.W., Osher J.V., et al. Diastolic retroperfusion of acutely ischemic myocardium. Am. J. Cadiol. 1978; 41:1191-201. 13. Mohl W., Gangl C., Jusi A., et al. PICSO: from myocardial salvage to tissue regeneration. Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine. 2015; 16: 36-46. 14. Valuckien Z., Vasylius T., Unikas R. Left anterior descending coronary artery spasm and «accordion effect» mimicking coronary artery dissection. Medicina. 2014; 50 (5): 309-311.
Abstract: Aim: was to estimate the diagnostic performance of inferior petrosal sinus blood sampling with Desmopressin stimulation in patients with ACTH-dependent Cushing's syndrome. Materials and Methods: all enrolled patients had clinically evident and biochemically proven ACTH-dependent Cushing's syndrome. The inclusion criteria was as follows: the absence of pituitary adenoma on MRI, pituitary adenoma less than 6 mm and/or negative high dose (8mg) dexamethasone suppression test or unsuccessful neurosurgery when the histological material was not informative. A petrosal sinus to peripheral ACTH gradient of at least 2,0 at baseline or at least 3 after Desmopressin administration suggested a pituitary source of ACTH. Plasma ACTH was measured by automated electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd (Cobas e601). Results: 117 patients were included in the present study (86 females (73,5%) and 31 (26,5%) males with a median age of 34 years (Q25-Q75 26-49 years). The youngest patient was 17 years old and the oldest 66 years old. The median of 24h urinary free cortisol was 2148 (1268-4129) nmol/24 hours; the morning plasma ACTH level -105,8 (67,7-150,8) ng/ml; late-night ACTH - 83,6 (51,8-126,2) ng/ml. A final histological diagnosis was available only in 110 patients (94 patients with Cushing's disease and 16 cases of ACTH-ectopic Cushing's syndrome). Only the data of patients with histological proven diagnosis was included in the final analysis. The sensitivity of bilateral inferior petrosal sinus blood sampling with Desmopressin stimulation was found to be 90,4% (95% DI 82,8-94,9), and the specificity- 93,7% (95% DI 71,7 - 98,9). The area under the curve (when the ratios before and after Desmopressin administration were analyzed) was 0,940 (95% DI 0, 893-0,988). The median duration of the procedure was 60 minutes and the median X-Ray dose was 4,7 mSv In general, the manipulation was well tolerated. Conclusion: bilateral inferior petrosal sinus blood sampling with Desmopressin administration demonstrated the high values of sensitivity and specificity.
Abstract: Aim. To compare safety and efficiency of drug-eluting stents (DES) and bare metal stents (BMS) implantation for coronary artery disease (CAD). Materials and methods. 230 patients with CAD were divided in 2 groups: patients in group 1 received DES; in group 2 we performed BMS implantation. Results. Long-term results (over 12 months follow-up) of DES primary implantation reduces risk of the angiographic restenosis by 15% compared to BMS (р < 0,001). Conclusions. Notwithstanding low basic risk of restenosis, DES demonstrate no statistically significant advantages in MACE rate. It is also shown that DES implantation is associated with higher mortality and greater risk of non-cardiac complications, related to prolonged antiplatelet therapy. Thus, decision of DES implantation should be made in consideration of the patients' tolerance for double antiplatelet therapy, risk of bleeding, possible elective surgery, as well as any pre-procedure immune system disturbances. References 1. Sigwart U., Puel J., Mirkovitch V., Joffre F. et al. Intravascular stents to prevent occlusion and restenosis after transluminal angioplasty.New. Engl. Med. 1987; 316: 701-706. 2. Van der Giessen W.J., Lincoff A.M., Schwartz R.S. et al. Marked inflammatory sequel to implantation of biodegradable and nonbiode-gradable polymers in porcine coronary arteries. Circulation. 1996; 94: 1690-1697. 3. Бокерия Л.А., Алекян Б.Г., Голухова Е.З. и др. Применение стентов с лекарственным антипролиферативным покрытием в лечении больных ишемической болезнью сердца. Креативная кардиология. 2007; 1:193-198. 4. Befeyter PJ. Percutaneous coronary intervention for unstable coronary artery disease. Text-book of interventional cardiology, 4th ed. by Topol E. Philadelphia. W.B. Saunders Company. 2003: 183-199. 5. Bauters C., Lablanche J.M., McFadden E.P. et al. Clinical characteristics and angiographic follow-up of patients undergoing early or late repeat dilation for a first restenosis. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 1992; 20: 845-848. 6. Бабунашвили А.М., Юдин И.Е., Дундуа Д.П. и др. Стенты с лекарственным покрытием при лечении диффузных атеросклеротиче-ских поражений коронарных артерий. Актуальные вопросы болезней сердца и сосудов. 2007; 4: 57-63. 7. Waters R.E. 3 cases following DES for in-stent-restenosis (at 16, 20, 43 mo) - shortly after interruption of antiplatelet Tx. Catheter. Car-diovasc. Interv. 2005; 4: 107-115. 8. PeterJ., Fitzgerald S. etal. Is angiographic late loss still a worthwhile surrogate endpoint in DES trials? Circulation. 2006; 54: 237-291.
Multivessel stenting in primary percutaneous coronary intervention and staged revascularization for st-elevation myocardial infarction patients with second generation drug eluting stents resolute integrity
DOI: https://doi.org/10.25512/DIR.2013.07.4.08
For quoting:
Tarasov R.S., Ganyukov V.I., Protopopov A.V., Barbarash O.L., Barbarash L.S. "Multivessel stenting in primary percutaneous coronary intervention and staged revascularization for st-elevation myocardial infarction patients with second generation drug eluting stents resolute integrity". Journal Diagnostic & interventional radiology. 2013; 7(4); 73-79.
Abstract: Background: There are no randomized trials describing outcomes of multivessel percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) (in primary anc staged revascularization) with second generation drug eluting stents (DES) in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). We are presenting preliminary results of randomized trial (NCT01781715) Materials and methods: Six-month outcomes of 89 consecutive patients with STEMI and multivessel coronary artery disease (CAD) (SYNTAX 18.6±7.9 points) undergoing primary PCI with zotarolimus-eluting stents (Resolute Integrity; Medtronic) were studied. We used two strategies of multivessel stenting: in primary PCI (MS primary) and multivessel stenting in staged revascularisation (MS staged) (8.5±4.2 days). Results: We evaluated results in the overall cohort of patients, including two study groups (MS primary and MS staged). During follow-up of 6 months there was no cardiac death in overall group. We observed 3 (3.4%) non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI) due to definite stent thromboses (ST) (1.3% on the number of stents). Target vessel revascularization (TVR) was performed in 2 cases (2.2%). Major adverse cardiac event (MACE) (cardiac death, MI, TVR) was diagnosed in 4.5%. Conclusions: Resolute Integrity stents in STEMI patients with multivessel CAD are satisfactory safely and effectively as part of the strategy of multivessel stenting in primary PCI and multivessel staged PCI (8.5±4.2 days). References 1. Sorjja P., Gersh B.J., Cox D.A. Impact of multivessel disease on reperfusion success and clinical outcomes in patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention for acute myocardial infarction. Eur. Heart J. 2007; 28:1709-16. 2. Jang H.L., Hun S.P., Shung Ch.Ch. Wee Hyun Park and Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry Investigators. 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Multivessel percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with multivessel disease and acute myocardial infarction. Am. Heart. J. 2004; 148:493-500. 12. Widimsky P., Holmes Jr. David R. How to treat patients with ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction and multivessel disease? European Heart Journal Advance Access published November 30, 2010. European Heart Journal doi:10.1093/eurheartj/ehq410. 13. Politi L., Sgura F., Rossi R. et al. A randomised trial of target-vessel versus multi-vessel revascularization in ST-elevation myocardial infarction: major adverse cardiac events during long-term follow-up. Heart.2010;96:662-667. 14. Varani E., Balducelli M., Aquilina M. et al. Single or multivessel percutaneous coronary intervention in ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients. Catheter Cardiovasc. Interv. 2008;72:927-933. 15. Roe M.T., Cura F.A., Joski PS. 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Abstract: Acute severe pancreatitis remains one of the actual issue in urgent surgery Forecast of the disease is dependant on spread of purulent necrotic process in pancreas and retroperitoneal tissues. Therefore diagnosis of purulent complications becomes extremely important. The aim of the study was to demonstrate and evaluate features of ultrasonography in diagnosis and treatment strategy definition of purulent necrotic complications of acute severe pancreatitis. Materials and methods. The study included 115 patients with acute destructive pancreatitis aged of 21-81 years The major part of them (50%) were persons at most able-bodied (working) aged 32-59 years. All patients underwent ultrasound diagnostics for determination the spread of pathology and detection of complications of the disease. Ultrasound scanning was carried out as follows: 1. inspection of pancreatic parenchyma; 2. inspection of cellular tissues; 3. detection of free liquid in the abdominal cavity; 4. evaluation of the abdomen and kidneys; 5. inspection of the pleural cavity Results. Examination of the parenchyma revealed that the pancreas was often inlarged, had a fuzzy, uneven contours and heterogeneous structure. However, it should be noted that in some cases, the pancreas was normal size and structure. Infected necrosis, acute liquid accumulation and/or free liquid in the abdominal cavity had occurred in 100% of cases in various combinations during examination of cellular tissues. Regarding the abdominal organs following complications were revealed: obstructive jaundice - in 5(4.3%) cases; portal vein thrombosis - in 1 (0.9%) case; splenic abscess - in 1 (0.9%) case. The presence of liquid in the pleural cavity was determined by leaves dissociation of the parietal and visceral pleura. The volume of the liquid was determined according standard classification. Conclusion. Ultrasound scanning allows to determine the presence and extent of local complications arising at the stage of purulent necrotic complications of acute severe pancreatitis and general complications as a result of systemic pathological effect on the body of the disease. References 1. Охотников О.И. Перкутанная диапевтика в неотложной абдоминальной хирургии органов панкреато-билиарной зоны. Автореф. ... дис. докт. мед. наук. Воронеж. 1998; 39 с. 2. Echenique A.M., Sleeman D., Yrizarry J. et al. Percutaneous catheter-directed debridement of infected pancreatic necrosis in 20 patients. J. Vase. Interv. Radiol. 1998; 9: 565-571. 3. Затевахин И.И., Цициашвили М.Ш., Будурова М.Д. Комплексное ультразвуковое исследование при остром панкреатите. Анналы хирургии. 1999; 3: 36-42. 4. Scaglione M., Casciani E., Pinto A. et al. Imaging Assessment of Acute Pancreatitis. 5. 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