Abstract: Materials and methods: 47 patients witn type В aortiс dissections underwent endovascular treatment in our departmert n 20 cases - IVUS was used for irtraoperative anatomy and morphology verification. Complications developed n 16 patients, and true lumen was reconstructed by stent-graft implantation (to cover proximal fenestration) followed by balloon-expandable stents implantation at the level of visceral arteries under IVUS control at every stage. 87,5% of patents were man, mean ago 51 8—16,2 years. References 1. Erbel R., Aboyans V., Boileau C., et al. Task Force for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Aortic Diseases of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). 2014 ESC guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of aortic diseases: document covering acute and chronic aortic diseases of the thoracic and abdominal aorta of the adult. Eur Heart J. 2014;35:2873-926. 2. Fattori R., Cao P., De Rango P, et al. 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Abstract: In this study we have analyzed early and long-term results of endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair (EVAR) in the Department of cardio-vascular surgery of «Russian Cardiology Research anc Production Complex». Material and methods: research includes 164 patients (February 2009-November 2015) with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), who underwent endovascular abdominal aneurysm repair (EVAR), also with difficult anatomy Patients were operated with basic methodics and also hybrid techniques («chimney», «octopus», fenestrated and branched devices). Results: 30-day mortality rate accounted for 1,2%, all mortality was 3%. References 1. Nacional'nye rekomendacii po vedeniju pacientov s anevrizmami brjushnoj aorty 2011[National recommendations on treatment of patients with aneurysm of abdominal aorta]. Pod. red. A.V. Pokrovskogo [In Russ]. 2. Klinicheskaja angiologija: rukovodstvo dlja vrachej [Clinical angiology: guide-book fo physicians]. Pod red. A. V. Pokrovskogo. v 2-h tomah. T. 3. Abugov S.A., Belov Ju.V., Pureckij M. V., Saakjan Ju.M., Poljakov R.S., Hovrin V.V., Strucenko M.V. Sravnitel'nye rezul'taty lechenija anevrizm brjushnogo otdela aorty jendovaskuljarnym i hirurgicheskim metodom [Comparative results of treatment of abdominal aorta aneurysms with endovascular and surgical methods]. Kardiologija i serdechno-sosudistaja hirurgija. 2011; 2: 27-31 [In Russ]. 4. Sweet M.P., Fillinger M.F., Morrison.T.M., Abel D. The influence of gender and aortic aneurysm size on eligibility for endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. J. Vascular Surg. 2011; 54:931-7. 5. Arko F.R., Filis K.A., Seidel S.A., Gonzalez J., Lengle S.J., Webb R., et al. How many patients with infrarenal aneurysms are candidates for endovascular repair? The Northern California experience. J. EndovascTher. 2004;11:33-40. 6. Armon M.P., Yusuf S.W., Latief K., Whitaker S.C., Gregson R.H., Wenham P.W., et al. Anatomical suitability of abdominal aortic aneurysms for endovascular repair. Br. J. Surg. 1997;84:178-80. 7. Carpenter J.P., Baum R.A., Barker C.F., Golden M.A., Mitchell M.E., Velazquez O.C., et al. Impact of exclusion criteria on patient selection for endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. J. Vasc. Surg. 2001;34:1050-4. 8. Elkouri S., Martelli E., Gloviczki P., McKusick M.A., Panneton J.M., Andrews J.C., et al. Most patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm are not suitable for endovascular repair using currently approved bifurcated stent-grafts. Vasc. Endovascular. Surg. 2004;38:401-12. 9. Moise M.A., Woo E.Y, Velazquez O.C., Fairman R.M., Golden M.A., Mitchell M.E., et al. Barriers to endovascular aortic aneurysm repair: past experience and implications for future device development. Vasc. Endovascular. Surg. 2006;40:197-203. 10. Schumacher H., Eckstein H.H., Kallinowski F., Allen-berg J.R. Morphometry and classification in abdominal aortic aneurysms: patient selection for endovascular and open surgery. J. Endovasc. Surg. 1997;4:39-44. 11. Mehta M., Byrne W.J., Robinson H., Roddy S.P., Paty P.S., Kreienberg P.B., et al. Women derive less benefit from elective endovascular aneurysm repair than men. J. Vasc. Surg. 2010;55:906-13. 12. AbuRahma A.F., Campbell J., Stone P.A., et al. The correlation of aortic neck length to early and late outcomes in endovascular aneurysm repair patients. J. Vasc. Surg. 2009;50:738-748. 13. Moulakakis K. G., Mylonas S. N., Avgerinos E. et al.The chimney graft technique for preserving visceral vessels during endovascular treatment of aortic pathologies J. Vasc. Surg. 2012; 55(5): 1497-1503. 14. Aburahma A.F., Campbell J.E., Mousa A.Y, et al. Clinical outcomes for hostile versus favorable aortic neck anatomy in endovascular aortic aneurysm repair using modular devices. J. Vasc. Surg. 2011;54:13-21.