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The systolic pressure gradient at the level of aortic narrowing, determined by non-invasive methods was measured in 110 patients with aortic coarctation and compared with its value in direct measurement before and during various terms after correction of the defect. It was determined that Doppler ultrasonography of arteries of the limbs is the most informative non-invasive method of assessing the degree of narrowing/restoration of the aortic isthmus. Also showed was various informative value of Doppler cardiography as a method aimed at evaluating the efficacy of removing the defect in patients with good, satisfactory and poor therapeutic outcomes. 





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MRI in aortic coarctation pre-operative assessment is safe, prompt, non-invasive and can be used instead of conventional angiography. Synchronization of MRI data acquisition to the cardiac cycle eliminates breathing and motion artifacts, and allows non-contrast enhanced imaging. The latter is essential in pediatric practice. 



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