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Aim: was to estimate possibilities of the CT in patients with anomalies of dental system and asymmetric jaws and to offer a protocol analysis of CT data.

Materials and Methods: 100 patients with anomalies of dental system were examined. They were divided into 4 groups:

- 22 patients with II class without asymmetry of jaws (22%)

- 8 patients with II class with the asymmetry of jaws (8%)

- 52 patients with III class without asymmetry of jaws (52%)

- 18 patients with III class with asymmetry of jaws (18%)

At the stage of preoperative planning, computed tomography was performed. CT protocol of jaws symmetry estimation was developed.

Results: with the help of developed СТ protocol, asymmetry of the maxilla was determined in 11 patients (11.0%): 5 patents (5.0%) with II class, 6 patients (6.0%) with III class. The number of patients with signs of asymmetry of the mandible of II class was 9 patients (9.0%), III class — 13 patients (13.0%). Obtained measurements allowed to analyze degree of asymmetry and calculate required excision and moving of jaws. For planning of surgical stage, CT data of all patients was uploaded into special program «Surgicase CMF».

Conclusions: CT gives possibilities to estimate the anatomy of the facial skeleton and its symmetry; that allows to make plan of further orthognathic surgery.  



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