Abstract: Introduction: pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a disease characterized by a progressive increase in pulmonary vascular resistance that leads to the development of right ventricular heart failure and premature death of patients. Today, there are several ways to create an atrial communication: balloon dilatation, Park procedure, balloon knife atrial septostomy, atrial septum stenting and implantation of fenestrated occluder. The main problem with positioning of the device is that the atrial septum is not visible on fluoroscopy, where the stent is visible throughout. And the stent is not visible throughout on echocardiography, where the septum is visible. Exactly for this operation, the combination of echo- and fluoroscopic image in real time is very useful in order to accurately place in the middle at the level of stent in the septum and to avoid its dislocation with embolization of right or left heart chambers, or vessels of pulmonary and systemic circuit. Material and methods: we present a case report of atrial septostomy with stent implantation into the atrial septum using the EchoNavigator® hybrid imaging system in a patient with pulmonary arterial hypertension.Surgical intervention was performed on a patient with PAH: atrial septostomy with intubation anesthesia under the control of fluoroscopy and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) using the EchoNavigator® system. The procedure was performed using a Palmaz stent, that was implanted without additional fixation. Results: patient with pulmonary hypertension underwent an atrial septostomy using the EchoNavigator® hybrid imaging system, which was used for positioning and implantation of stent into the atrial septum as quickly and accurately as possible. This surgical intervention significantly improved patient's clinical condition, cardiac hemodynamics and, accordingly, increased the quality of life. 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