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Aim: was to assess biophysical parameters of a renal parenchyma at experimental acute and chronic renal insufficiency at rats.

Material and methods. Experiment was carried out on 36 rats of both sexes in mass of 180-250 g. The bioimpedance analysis of a renal parenchyma was carried out in intraoperative way on the 7th day after modeling of acute renal insufficiency and 2 months later after modeling of acute renal insufficiency, using «G. Greven's method». Absolute and relative indicators of electric impedance were investigated.

Results. Chronic renal insufficiency in contrast to the acute renal insufficiency is characterized not only by reduction of absolute indicators of renal parenchyma electric impedance, but also by change of relative indicators. Apparently, relative indicators of the bioimpedance analysis reflect change of the renal parenchyma functional status and absolute peculiarities of its morphological structure.

Conclusion. The analysis of results of a bioimpedansometriya in separate zones of a kidney, showed that in a normal kidney the electric impedance in various parts of body is non-uniform, however at renal insufficiency indicators of an impedance are leveled. This phenomenon is necessary for checking in clinical researches and, in case of confirmation of experimental results, it can be used as diagnostic criterion at statement of the diagnosis of acute renal insufficiency.



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