Abstract Aim: was to evaluate the effectiveness of carotid arterial revascularization by stenting of internal carotid arteries ( Materials and methods: in FSBI «Treatment and rehabilitation center» of the Ministry of Health of Results: when analyzing 30 days after stenting, there were no fatal outcomes. In one case (0.96%) after stenting of the subtotal stenosis of the In the long-term period (4 years and 7 months), the number of undesirable events was 2%. In one case (0.96%), the patient died of ischemic stroke on the ipsilateral side after 3 years and 2 months after stenting. In another case, patient after 1 year and 2 months had an ischemic stroke on the side of the operation. Thus, the total number of complications associated with When evaluating results of stenting by the SPECT method, the state of cerebral perfusion was assessed using perfusion maps in two modes and by axial perfusion sections. In all observations after stenting, improvement of cerebral perfusion was noticed, regardless of the side and severity of Comparing results, obtained by the number of undesirable events (strokes, restenosis and death) with the four-year data of the analysis of the international CREST study, the complication rate in our group is significantly lower (3.8% versus 8.6% in the CREST stenting group and 8.4% in carotid endarterectomy group CREST). Conclusion: carotid stenting is an effective method of treatment of atherosclerotic lesions of main cerebral arteries in patients with previous stroke. The effectiveness of this type of treatment is confirmed by a positive clinical result and with the help of modern diagnostic methods, in particular SPECT. References 1. Damulin IV, Parfenov VA, Skoromets AA, Yah NN. Circulatory disorders in the brain and spinal cord. In the book: «Diseases of the nervous system. A guide for doctors». Yakhno N.N., Shtulman D.R. (ed.). 2003; 231302 [In Russ]. 2. 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Abstract: 19 males with unilateral symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis were stented in 2007 using Mo.Ma cerebral protection device (Invatec, Italy). Angiographic success rate was 100%, average procedure time 53,7±9,9 min, ICA occlusion time 53,7±19,9 min. 2 patients presented transitory ischemic attack. Clinical improvement achieved in all cases. Our experience demonstrates that the Mo.Ma device effectively prevents intraprocedural cerebral embolism in carotid stenting, and the idea of proximal protection seems to be safe, user-friendly and very promising.
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Abstract: In clinical practice, ischemic stroke still remains a difficult problem, being in most leading causes of death. Development of new treatments, founding of new therapeutic algorythmes and untiringly technical progress in sphere of instrumental support of operation-room allow to proceed endovascular intervention in group of patients with cardioembolic stroke. Case report presents successful endovascular treatment of patient from cardio-surgical department of Belgorod Region Clinical Hospital named after St. loasaf, with cardioembolic stroke, onset in preoperative period (before aorto-coronary bypass). Materials and methods: patient A., 59 years, diagnosis: «Ischemic heart disease. Exertional angina FC II. Post-infarction cardiosclerosis. (AMI in September 2014). Stenosis of coronary arteries according to coronary angiography (CAG), hemodynamically significant. Hypertensive heart disease III st., 2 degree, with the defeat of the heart and blood vessels of the brain, with the achievement of target blood pressure (BP). Diabetes mellitus type 2, the second insulin-depended, stage subcompensation. Risk factor 4. congestive heart failure 2a class, functional class III. Chronic gallstone disease. Chronic calculous cholecystitis without exacerbation». 05.02.15 - onset of ischemic stroke in left hemisphere of brain. Patient urgently underwent: multislice computed tomography (MSCT), MSCT-angiography of main brain arteries, direct angiography of main brain arteries. Survey showed: occlusion of proximal third of left common carotid artery (CCA) with TICI-0 blood flow; left middle cerebral artery (MCA) and anterior cerebral artery (ACA) were filled threw anterior communicating artery (ACoA) from right internal carotid artery (ICA). Patient underwent: recanalization of occlusion, thrombectomy from left CCA, stenting of CCA-ICA segment, selective thrombolythic therapy into left MCA. Results: «Time-To-Treatment» was 4 hours 15 minutes. Made endovascular treatment leaded to regression of neurological deficit. Conclusions: the use of endovascular methods in patients with cardioembolic stroke car decrease neurological deficit and increase quality of life of patients in this group. References
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Abstract: Acute cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is one of leading causes of death and disability in the population, both in Russia and around the world. Aim: was to improve the effectiveness of the prevention of ischemic stroke (IS) in patients with asymptomatic stenosis of internal carotid arteries (ICA). Materials and methods: this article is an analysis of the world literature on the subject of stroke in patients without focal or ocular symptoms (asymptomatic stenosis), medical and surgical (carotid stenting / carotid endarterectomy) correction of such stenotic lesions, postoperative complications, and the risk of stroke in the immediate and late postoperative period. We presented data on development of stroke, depending on the type of plaques, brain CT data, comorbidities in these patients, the method of surgical correction of stenosis. 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Abstract: Revascularization strategy definition in acute coronary syndrome in patients with multivessel coronary artery disease is a significant problem of modern interventional cardiology. Aim: was to evaluate effectiveness of special PC programs «Sapphire 2015 - Right dominance» and «Sapphire 2015 - Left dominance» designed to the revascularization strategy definition ir acute coronary syndrome patients. Materials and methods: revascularization strategy of 50 acute coronary syndrome patients was analyzed. In all cases the revascularization strategy was defined by the group of intervention cardiologists with the help of independent experts and special PC programs «Sapphire 2015 - Right dominance» and «Sapphire 2015 - Left dominance». Experts-, physicians-, and soft- based revascularization strategies were compared among themselves Results: complete coincidence between expert-based and soft-based revascularization strategies was registered in 66% patients and the incomplete coincidence - in 32% patients. Complete mismatch between expert-based and soft-based revascularization strategies was registered in 2% patients. The complete coincidence between physicians-based and soft-based revascularization strategies was registered in 42% patients and the incomplete coincidence - ir 52% patients. Complete mismatch between physicians-based and soft-based revascularization strategies was registered in 6% patients. Conclusion: as well as experts, special PC programs «Sapphire 2015 - Right dominance» and «Sapphire 2015 - Left dominance» provide success in the revascularization strategy definition 1г acute coronary syndrome patients with multivessel coronary artery disease. References 1. ASA/ACCF/AHA/AANN/AANS/ACR/ASNR/CNS/ SAIP/ SCAI/SIR/SNIS/SVM/SVS guideline on the management of patients with extracranial carotid and vertebral artery disease. Circulation. 2011; 124:54-130. 2. Cohen D, Stolker J, Wang К, et al. Health-Related Quality of Life After Carotid Stenting Versus Carotid Endarterectomy. Results From CREST (Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy Versus Stenting Trial). JACC Vol. 2011;15:58. 3. Amirdjanova V.N., Goryachev D.V., Korshunov N.I., Rebrov A.P., Sorotskaya V.N. Populyatsionnie pokazateli kachestva zhizni po oprosniku SF-36 (rezultati mnogotsentrovogo issledovaniya kachestva zhizni) Mirazh. [Population' indicators of quality of life questionnaire SF-36 (results of a multicenter study of quality of life «MIRAGE»).]. Rheumatology Science and Practice. 2008;46(1):36-48. [In Russ]. 4. Stolker JM, Mahoney EM, Safley DM, et al. Health-related quality of life following carotid stenting versus endarterectomy: results from the SAPPHIRE (Stenting and Angioplasty with Protection in Patients at High Risk for Endarterectomy) trial. J Am Coll Cardiol Intv. 2010;3: 515-23. 5. PQcTte E, Slisers M, Miglane E et al. Health-Related Quality of Life Among Patients with Severe Carotid Artery Stenosis. The Journal of Latvian Academy of Sciences. 2015; 5:237-242. 6. Kazmierski P, Kasielska A, Bogusiak K, Lysakowski M, Stela О gowski M. Influence of internal carotid endarterectomy on patients’ life quality. Pol Przegl Chir. 2012;84:17-22. 7. Shan L. Saxena A .Quality of Life and Functional Status After Carotid Revascularisation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2015;49: 634-645. 8. Stolker JM, Mahoney EM, Safley DM, et al. Health-related quality of life following carotid stenting versus endarterectomy: results from the SAPPHIRE (Stenting and Angioplasty with Protection in Patients at High Risk for Endarterectomy) trial. J Am Coll Cardiol Intv. 2010;3: 515-523. 9. CaRESS Steering Committee. Carotid Revascularization Using Endarterectomy or Stenting Systems (CaRESS) phase I clinical trial: 1-year results. J Vasc Surg. 2005;42:213-219.
Abstract: Aim: was to estimate efficacy and safety of carotid stenting and carotid endarterectomy Г patients, admitted to center of cardiovascular surgery. Material and methods: we investigated possibilities of treatment with randomization one-by-one, according to admittance to hospital and use of carotid endarterectomy or stenting. Final decision in each case was made by consilium. For the period 2011-2013, 269 patients were treated including 132 patients who underwent carotid endarterectomy and 137 patients who underwent carotid stenting. The majority of patients had an anamnesis of coronary heart disease or needed coronary revascularization. Symptomatic stenosis was an indication for 19,0 % revascularization in both groups (p = 0.994). Results: there were no in-hospital deaths registered. Incidence of stroke after carotid endarterectomy was 6(4,5%) and 2(1,5%) after stenting. Transient ischemic attack occurred in 3(2,2 %) patients in the stenting and 1 patient (0,76 %) in endarterectomy groups. Major bleeding was observed in both groups with equal frequency (p = 0,584). Defeat of cranial nerves (7,6 %; p = 0,001) was only observed in the endarterectomy group. Finally both methods of carotid revascularization showed the same level of complications (p = 0,569) besides cranial nerve defeat. Conclusion: carotid stenting and endarterectomy show similar results in the treatment of patients with atherosclerotic lesions of carotid arteries. Both methods can equally be used in clinics with adequate experience in surgical interventions on the heart and peripheral vessels. The complex assessment of the patient and the lesion by the vascular team is necessary. References 1. Casserly I.P, Sachar R., Yadav J.S. Practical peripheral vascular interventions. Second edition. Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Philadelphia. 2011; 466 p. 2. Cutlip D. 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