Abstract: Inferior vena cava (IVC) abnormalities are reported to occur in 3% of the population, and bilateral IVC is the most common one. We presented a case of a patient with bilateral IVC and pulmonary embolism threat due to deep vein thrombosis of the left leg and thrombus flotation in the left external iliac vein. Two cava-filters were placed. The need of two devices is obvious, because emboli can easily reach the pulmonary artery via either right or left IVC. Reference 1. Tore H.G., Tatar I., Celik H.H. et al. Two casesof inferior vena cava duplication. FoliaMorphol. 2005; 64: 55-58. 2. Taniguchi H., Miyauchi Y., Kobayashi Y. et al.Pulmonary embolism from thrombosis in aduplicated inferior vena cava developing afteran electrophysiologic procedure. J. Interv. Card. Electrophys. 2001; 5: 75-79. 3. Tatar I., Tore H.G., Celik H.H., KarcaaltincabaM. Magnetic resonance venography of doublenferior vena cava. Saudi Med. J. 2005; 26: 101-103. 4. Artico M., Lorenzini D., Mancini P. et al.Radiological evidence of anatomical variation of the inferior vena cava. Surg. Radiol. Anat. 2004; 26: 153-156. 5. Rohrer M., Cutler B. Placement of twoGreenfield filters in a duplicated vena cava. Surgery. 1988; 104: 572-574. 6. Saito H., Sano N., Kaneda I. et al. Multisegmental anomaly of the inferior vena cava withthrombosis of the left inferior vena cava.Cardiovasc. Intervent. Rad. 1995; 18: 410-413. 7. Ferris E.J., Hipona F.A., Kahn P.C. et al.Venography of the Inferior Vena Cava and itsBranches. Baltimore. Williams & Wilkins. 1969; 32. 8. Chuang V.P., Mena C.E., Hoskins P.A.Congenital anomalies of the inferior vena - cava. Review of embryogenesis and presentation of a simplified classification. Br. J. Radiol. 1974; 47: 206-213. 9. Bass J.E., Redwine M.D., Kramer L.A. et al.Spectrum of congenital anomalies of the inferior vena cava: cross-sectional imaging findings. Radiographics. 2000; 20: 639-652. 10. Trigaux J.P., Vandroogenbroek S., De Wispelaere J.F. et al. Congenital anomalies of the inferior vena cava and left renal vein: evaluation with spiral CT. J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol. 1998; 9: 339-345. 11. KaufmanJ.A., Lee MJ. Vascular and interventional radiology - the requisites. Philadelphia. PA: Mosby. 2004; 350-355. 12. Nagashima T., Lee J., Andoh K. et al. Right double inferior vena cava. J. Comput. Assist. Tomogr. 2006; 30: 642-645. Sugimoto K., Imanaka K., Kawabe T., Hirota S. Filter placement in double inferior vena cava. Cardiovasc. Intervent. Radiol. 2000; 23: 79-82. 13. Mano A., Tatsumi T., Sakai H. et al. A case of deep venous thrombosis with a double inferior vena cava effectively treated by suprarenal filter implantation. Jpn. Heart. J. 2004; 45: 1063-1069. 14. Rohrer M.J., Culter B.S. Placement of two Greenfield filters in a duplicated vena cava. Surgery. 1988; 104: 572-574. Soltes G.D., Fisher R.G., Whigham C.J. Placement of dual bird's nest filters in an unusual case of duplicated inferior vena cava. J. Vasc. Interv. Radiol. 1992; 3: 709-711. 15. Sartori M.T., Zampieri P., Andres F.L. et al. Double vena cava filter insertion in congenital duplicated inferior vena cava: a case report and literature review. Haematologica. 2006; 91 (6):e85-e86.
Abstract: The authors report 44 successful implantations of original retrieval Nitinol stent-filters, unique "closed" design of which comprehensively described in the article. All the devices placed for pulmonary embolism (PE) management in patients with lower extremity and pelvic deep vein (DV) thrombosis. Authors announce absolute efficiency of their stent-filters for PE prophylaxis, and the procedure itself declared to be safe and minimally invasive. Stent-filter implantation into iliac veins compared to standard filter placement in inferior vena cava (IVC) excludes risks of total infrarenal IVC thrombosis - the major complication of such procedures. It is also associated with early DV recanalization, that in sum radically reduces disability rate. Moreover, in case of IVC abnormalities, kinking or external compression stent-filter into iliac position remains the only option for endovascular PE management. All the above can be mentioned as advantages of using stent-filters. At the same time authors observe that stent-filters quick incorporation into vessel wall prevented endovascular retrieval of the device in quite a number of cases. Persistent PE threat, requiring prolonged antithrombotic therapy under endovascular protection, might also contribute for low retrievability of the device. Reference 1. Ballew K.A., Philbrick J.T., Becker D.M. Vena cava filters devices. Clin. Chest. Med. 1995; 16: 295-305. 2. Becker D.M., Philbrick J.T., Selby J.B. Inferior vena cavafilters. Indications, safety, effectiveness. Arch. Intern. Med.1992; 152 (10): 1985-1994. 3. Streiff M.B. Vena caval filters: a comprehensive review.Blood. 2000; 95: 3669-3677. 4. Ferris E.J., McCowanT.C., Carver D.K., McFarland D.R.Percutaneous inferior vena caval filters: Follow-up ofseven designs in 320 patients. Radiology. 1993; 188:851-856. 5. Mismetti P., Rivron-Guillot K., Quenet S., D cousus H.,Laporte S., Epinat M., Barral, F.G. 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