Abstract: Anatomical variants of abdominal and retroperitoneal veins are characterized by a great diversity Mostly anomalies are asymptomatic, in some cases they may have clinical manifestations. Information about features of the venous anatomy is necessary when planning surgical operations and interventional procedures in the abdomen and retroperitoneum Aim: was to increase efficacy of diagnostics of abdomen and retroperitoneal veins' anomalies by evaluating clinical significance of observed changes of veins and analysis of incidence of venous anomalies at MSCT of the abdomen. Materials and methods: 440 patients with different diseases of the abdomen and retroperitoneum underwent MSCT Anomalies of the inferior vena cava (IVC) and its tributaries were classified by Huntington G.S. and C.F.W. McLure. As the normal anatomy of the portal vein (PV) was taken a «classic» variant of the division into two branches. Normal type of hepatic veins (HV) anatomy meant the presence of three venous trunks independently flowing into the IVC Results: venous malformations were detected in 67% cases, combined with each other in many cases. Most common were aberrations of renal veins (43%), followed by variants of HV (31%), PV (18%) and IVC (1,6%). Conclusion: our results show the necessity of detailed assessment of venous anatomy during abdominal MSCT for selecting the optimal treatment strategy, planning and the success of surgery. References 1. Saylisoy S., Atasoy З., Ersoz S., et al. Multislice CT angiography in the evaluation of hepatic vascular anatomy in potential right lobe donors. Diagn IntervRadiol. 2005;11: 51-9. 2. Muhtarulina S.V., Kaprin A.D., Astashov V.L., Aseeva I.A. 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