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Aim. Was to study X-ray computer tomography (X-CT) semiotics of lungs injure in patients with closed thoracic trauma.

Materials and methods. For the period of 2008-2009 in Moscow Institute of Emergency First Aid we have examined 90 patients with different forms of pulmonary hemorrhage: aged 15-83 years (middle age 33,8); 71 men (78,9%) and 19 women (21,1%).The diagnosis was established due to X-CT

Results. All the patients had pulmonary bruise with different Intensity and prevalence on the 1st day In 67% patients it was combined with bleeding or/and gas in the depth of lungs - hematoma, hemopneumatocele, pneumatocele. Supervision in dynamics showed gradually regression of bruise lesions and traumatic caverns structure transformation

Conslution. X-CT in patients with closed thoracic trauma can specify the localization, characteristic and volume of pulmonary injure; it can also document pathologic process in dynamics.



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