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The phenomenon of unrecovered coronary blood flow, or the «no-reflow» phenomenon, is the most formidable and insufficiently studied example of clinical failures after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and is manifested as the absence of filling of distal coronary arteries. As a result, endovascular treatment may be completely unsuccessful or may be complicated by delayed recovery, the development of systolic dysfunction, the formation of heart aneurysm and other serious problems. Many experimental and clinical studies have been devoted to «no-reflow», but the evidence for this or that way of influencing the appearance of this phenomenon is very ambiguous. This article presents modern aspects related to risk factors, pathophysiology and methods for diagnosing this complication, as well as an analysis of methods for the prevention and correction of the developed «no-reflow» phenomenon.



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Primary angioplasty in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction reduces mortality and reinfarction rate. Immediate restoration of myocardial perfusion has a direct impact on one-year mortality Achieving TIMI 3 flow in epicardial arteries does not mean that the myocardial perfusion has normalized. In addition to that, it is vital to evaluate alternative markers such as rapid resolution of the ST-segment elevation and restoration of optimal distal flow, blush grade 2-3. The intracoronary infusion of adenosine, administered prior to the opening of the artery limiting the size of the infarction and decreases the incidence of no-reflow phenomenon. Direct stent implantation without pre dilation significantly minimizes the incidence of adverse effects. The Amicath catheter (IHT-Cordynamic, Spain) that we use in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction allow us to obtain an effective myocardial reperfusion, in different clinical situations avoiding the displacement of the thrombus, or a distal embolism, and preventing the no-reflow phenomenon.



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