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Purpose. Define the role of ultrasound diagnostics in preoperative evaluation, surgical approach, and postsurgical assessment in patients with cystous lesions of pancreas underwent various types of pancreatic distal resection (PDR).

Material and methods. Since 1995 till 2008 in Vishnevsky Institute of Surgery (Moscow) 54 patients with distal cystous lesions of pancreas received a course of treatment. Mean age was 50,6+1,2 years, 37 patients (68.5%) were women. Complex pre- and postoperative ultrasound study was performed in all the cases. Morphologically there were true cysts (2 cases), lymphocysts (1 case), postnecrotic cysts (21 patients), serous cystadenoma (9 cases), mucinous cystadenoma (16 cases), and mucinous cystadenocarcinoma (5 cases).

Results. After laparotomy and abdominal revision the following operations were performed:

1. Spleen-preserving distal pancreatic resection;

2. Distal pancreatic resection with splenectomy.

Pancreatic stump assessment revealed 2 possible complications: external pancreatic fistula and sub. phrenic abscess. Spleen-preserving interventions were shown to associate with fewer complication rate, than those with splenectomy.

Conclusions. The cardinal problem is that the PDR associates with repeatedly high complication rate, and the most common complications are external pancreatic fistulas and subphrenic abscesses. As far as the complication rate has the tendency to decrease in spleen-preserving interventions, it is advisable to avoid splenectomy in cases of benign pancreatic lesions.   



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