Abstract: Diagnostic criteria for extranodal lymphoma (non-Hodgkin's lymphoma) are well known and described in the literature. However, primary extranodal lymphomas are rare and pose problems for differential diagnosis with primary or secondary lesions. In the presented clinical case of a woman, 58 years old, with primary extranodal lymphoma of the stomach and spleen, an incorrect preoperative diagnosis was made: a tumor of the stomach and spleen abscess. It was mainly due to the presence of pain in the epigastric region and hospitalization for "severe acute biliary pancreatitis" in anamnesisd. Similar complaints and a "blurry" picture of manifestations of lymphoma did not allow her to be suspected preoperatively. The tumor nature of the focal lesion of the stomach was not in doubt, while the underestimation of MRI data, combined with the anamnesis, led to the erroneous diagnosis o f" spleen abscess". Patient underwent surgical operation: extended combined gastrectomy, distal resection of pancreas, splenectomy “en-bloc”, lymphadenectomy, cholecystectomy, “Roux-Y" reconstruction. The clinical picture of extranodal lymphoma depends on its primary localization and the degree of its spread. Clinical manifestations of primary lymphoma of the stomach and spleen are often nonspecific, therefore, against the background of previously transferred diseases of the hepatopancreatobiliary zone and their residual manifestations, an erroneous assessment of the situation is possible. In the presence of focal lesions, it is advisable to be more attentive to results of radiology examination, which can provide comprehensive information about their nature.
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Abstract: The article presents literature data about splenic lesions, their morphological characteristics and occurrence. Methods of diagnostics of such lesions are considered. Rarely met pathology as lymphangioma of spleen is discussed. Article describes peculiarities of clinical and morphological classifications of lymphangiomas with different locations, their morphological structure, clinical features of this disease in children and adults. Detailed diagnostic algorithm for detection of splenic lymphangioma is described. Possibilities and advantages of modern methods of diagnostic testing, perspective and the leading role CT and MRI are described. 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