Abstract: Aim: was to perform a retrospective comparative analysis of clinical and angiographic results of primary endovascular treatment of ischemic stroke in patients who had contraindications for adjuvant thrombolytic therapy, and results of applying standard pharmaco-invasive (thrombolysis and thrombus extraction) treatment. Material and methods: angiography was performed in 61 patients. The main criterion for the selection of patients for cerebral angiography according to MSCT-angiography, was a confirmed occlusion of a large intracranial vessel (the internal carotid artery or the middle cerebral artery at M1-2 segment). After MSCT-angiography, in the absence of contraindications, (STT) systemic throbolytic therapy (Alteplaza in the standard dose) was started and patients were sent to an endovascular operation, where selective angiography of the syndrome-responsive artery was performed, followed by an endovascular procedure, according to standard procedure. For endovascular treatment, Penumbra Reperfusion catheters - ACE 68 , were used in combination with 3MAX catheters, or stent-retrievers (Trevo, PRESET, ERIC). In a number of cases, the use of retrievers was supplemented with an assisting thrombus aspiration («Solumbra» method). The criterion for the effectiveness of endovascular treatment was the achievement of blood flow in the syndrome-responsible artery TICI 2b - 3. 6 patients with lesion of distal segments of middle cerebral artery (M3-4) or with no occlusion of large intracranial occlusion were excluded from the study. Results: all 55 patients who received endovascular treatment, retrospectively were divided into two groups depending on the performance of adjuvant STT Group of combined treatment (STT and endovascular procedure (EVP)) included 24 patients; 31 patients were included in the primary EVP group. Conclusions: basing on results of the study it can be supposed that primary endovascular treatment of ischemic stroke without thrombolysis can provide comparable efficacy and safety of treatment. References 1. Bhatia R, Hill MD, Shobha N, Menon B, Bal S, Kochar P Low rates of acute recanalization with intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator in ischemic stroke: real-world experience and a call for action. Stroke. 2010; 41:2254-2258. 2. Coutinho JM, Liebeskind DS, Slater LA, Nogueira RG, Clark W, Dбvalos A. Combined intravenous thrombolysis and thrombectomy vs thrombectomy alone for acute ischemicstroke: a pooled analysis of the SWIFT and STAR studies. JAMA Neurol. 2017;74:268-274. 3. Broeg-Morvay A, Mordasini P, Bernasconi C, Bьhlmann M, Pult F, Arnold M. Direct mechanical intervention versus combined intravenous and mechanical intervention in large artery anterior circulation stroke: a matched-pairs analysis. Stroke. 2016; 47:1037-1044. 4. Bellwald S, Weber R, Dobrocky T, Nordmeyer H, et al Direct Mechanical Intervention Versus Bridging Therapy in Stroke Patients Eligible for Intravenous Thrombolysis: A Pooled Analysis of 2 Registries. Stroke. 2017 Nov 7. 5. Merlino, G., Sponza, M., Petralia, B. et al. Short and long-term outcomes after combined intravenous thrombolysis and mechanical thrombectomy versus direct mechanical thrombectomy: a prospective single-center study. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2017; 44: 203. 6. Guedin P, Larcher A, Decroix JP, Labreuche J, Dreyfus JF, Evrard S. Prior IV thrombolysis facilitates mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2015; 24:952-957. 7. Behme D, Kabbasch C, Kowoll A, Dorn F, Liebig T, Weber W, Mpotsaris A. Intravenous thrombolysis facilitates successful recanalization with stent-retriever mechanical thrombectomy in middle cerebral artery occlusions. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2016; 25:954-959. 8. Desilles JP, Loyau S, Syvannarath V, Gonzalez-Valcarcel J, Cantier M, Louedec L. Alteplase reduces downstream microvascular thrombosis and improves the benefit of large artery recanalization in stroke. Stroke. 2015; 46:3241-3248. 9. Kass-Hout T, Kass-Hout O, Mokin M, Thesier DM, Yashar P, Orion D. Is bridging with intravenous thrombolysis of any benefit in endovascular therapy for acute ischemic stroke? WorldNeurosurg. 2014; 82:e453-458.